In what century was the first mosque built in the UK?
If you don't already know, I think you would be very surprised.
Here's a link so you don't have to expend too much energy.,_Woking
In what century was the first mosque built in the UK?
If you don't already know, I think you would be very surprised.
Here's a link so you don't have to expend too much energy.,_Woking
The fact that it's backed by that midget zionist is deterrent enough for me.
The fact that UKIP have been infiltrated by the Conservative party is secondary.
I don't think it's a stretch at all.
I think May is an evil walking POS but I also think that she, as Q once said, has been neutralised.
Despite the horrible optics in the media currently, I believe we will have a clean Brexit and we will witness the fall of evil in the UK.
I can't draw for shit, but even I could draw a better skull than that monstrosity.
Nice history level vetfag, I've never heard that but makes a lot of sense.
You think Scherff was in that casket?
Why did Trump only say that he was sending AF1 to convey the casket (no mention of Scherff) to DC?
I'd like to believe that Q told us last year what our christmas present would be this year.
Pic related.
Spelling mistakes matter.
Why did Trump, in his eulogy, say Bush "has led a long and distinguished life"?
Grammarfag here and the use of present perfect, have + verb, is used for something that began in the past and continues to this day. Ergo, Scherff is still alive.
Have is the infinitive form of the verb and conjugates as I have, you have, he has, they have.
If Bush were dead, the correct verb form would be simple past, "he led".
>all i know is to trust the plan and thats enough for me
I remember how tranquil I was, trusting in the plan, when all around me were blowing their loads and freaking out about Trump dropping missiles on Syria. And that is all I need to remember insofar as trusting the plan is concerned.
DDG is your friend. You already have the photographer's name.
>LEOs turn there views and stopping to be the Slaves from the GOV!
Can you answer this question?
Pic related
If time travel were feasible and the technology were in the hands of the white hats, would they not simply go back in time and eliminate the birth of the cabal before it took hold?
>Predicting the future with technology?
I have zero doubt that that is exactly what has been happening.
>Not a concernfag, just reality as a german Patriot!
The rule of law has never been about protecting the rights of we, the people, and has always been about insulating those who have assumed control of us from we, the people. LEOs have always been their army.
I created that meme after asking myself the same question after decades of seeing that motto of Law Enforcement Agencies around the world without once stating who exactly it is the serve and protect, hiding the fact that it is not us!
>Thank you for electing DJT! Seriously I canยดt thank you enough for this!
Fritz, I'm a britfag and had no hand in electing DJT, but we are both on the same side in this war.