Where We Go One, We Go All
White Squall looks to be necessary material for key insight into the Q movement. The modo “WWG1WGA”, is taken directly from this film. Spoilers…
This film is a story of 12 young men who go to school out at sea on a sailing boat named the Albatross. Although the tone of the film is not a military one, much of the same themes parallel.
After some time getting to know how to sail, the feel of the ship, the comradery and brothership of the crew, the calms… the young men face a very real test. The Albatross, faces a very intense storm, a freak weather anomaly known as a white squall. The storm ultimately ends up sinking the ship. So again, the magnitude of the severity of the storm as a metaphor in this movement is monstrously appropriate. After viewing the film, it becomes more apparent as to why this modo was chosen from this film, as is the metaphor of the storm.
Our adversaries are very real. And while those of us behind our keyboards may not be fully engaged behind rifles or gavels, it’s all hands-on deck. When the captain shouts an order, we all shout it back so we all know we are on the same page. It’s more than just lives that are at stake here. It is not without weight to say it is our country, it is future generations, it is the world as we know it, that is at stake. So have empathy for one another. This is the fight of the millennium so pressure abounds.