Pedo Priest arrested in the Philippines for raping young Altar boys!
>Is it possible that some of the Deep State members had their indictments served during the funeral?
Some "Anons" come up with the dumbest, most ignorant GUESSES about wtf is happening or will happen in the future it blows my mind! FFS
>I think Putin is smarter than that. I feel that he wants to get rid of the DS as bad as we do. I think he is working with Potus.
October 15, 2015
Putin to NWO Agents: “You Can Go to Hell”
Over the past few months,
Putin has been battling NWO agents & Satan worshipers
with intensity, moral clarity, and intellectual honesty. Yet some of his messages fell on deaf ears precisely because one of the principles that make up the New World Order is that it has no interest in the truth.[1] In fact, the New World Order has and will seek to supplant the truth with sugar-coded lies, colossal fabrications, and mass deceptions. That is why they promote massive deceptions about Putin and Russia.