Anons, something about the funeral yesterday has been bugging me and it finally hit me this morning while getting ready for work. As the casket is being removed watch W, Laura and Jeb. We've all focused primarily on Jeb. But look at all three of them. W is standing almost at attention with his hand over his heart. As the casket passes, he drops his hand but continues facing forward. He doesn't even turn his head. He doesn't reach out to touch the coffin as it passes. He's already made one breach of protocol by passing something to Michelle 0bama (why Michelle?). So why wouldn't he reach out to touch the coffin one last time?
Laura just stands there like she's bored. No emotion. In fact there's a total absence of emotion from her. When she shows Jeb the program it's such a nonchalant move as if to say, 'Oh yeah. Here, read this, dummy.' Jeb on the other hand is the only one acting in character. It is plainly obvious he has no idea what's really going on. (this is the main reason I've never liked the guy – he's completely clueless about everything around him). Look at his suit jacket. It doesn't fit him properly. The sleeves are too short. The jacket is too tight. He's an absolute soup sandwich. Which is why when Laura shows him the program he reacts the way he does.
My assumption is that GHWB was NOT in that coffin. W knew it. Laura knew it. Jeb did NOT know it until Laura pointed it out. What did Jeb do as soon as he read what was on the program? He dropped his hand from his heart and stared at the coffin in disbelief. It's just an assumption. I could be wrong about it but there is definitely something not right about the body language on those three during that brief point.
Do what you do best anons and tear this one apart if you deem worthy. Gotta go be a workfag now. Have a glorious post D5 day!