Worshipping Bush again today, I see.
Time for a POTUS tweet
This is kind of big because the reason they hadn't been investigated long ago is because it would all lead back to BHO's WH counsel. Now they are opening it up again.
Comey's transcript to be released on Saturday! – on FOX just now.
Yeah it will be interesting because his testimony is classified for a reason. They aren't just going to release classified info after they made a big deal about him being behind closed doors. I bet he will spew so classified info though if it makes him look better.
He's playing really really stupid games because he thinks we are all stupid. They are suppose to release his transcript tomorrow (heard on faux earlier today) but he is "allowed to talk" after testimony. Not sure how they can tell him not to tell classified info. I'm thinking he will start blabbing things that will make him look better right away and it won't line up with the transcript when it comes out and then people will be frustrated and demand it be unredacted.
We are getting closer and closer to POTUS actually declassifying everything. Still waiting for the last OIG report to come out first.
Aaaaaand the market is tanking. Oh well.
Big behind closed doors classified testimony tomorrow. He tried to challenge his subpoena and lost but the transcript is coming out Saturday (redacted)
Oh that's right. I forgot we are expecting him to plead the fifth because pic-related.
>sit in the dark
Tomorrow morning.
Hers was delayed until next week (??). She's already been cooperating behind the scenes though.
God, no, why is it set up this way?!