>>4179502 lb
>Any biblefags able to explain why they did not recite this version and why Q said they would not participate in this EVIL?
Some digging on the Apostle's Creed, and why Satanists would chant it but Trump would not.
Contrary to popular belief, the creed is not the direct work of the Apostles. The original statement of belief may have contained no more than "I believe that Jesus is the Son of God."
The additional clauses came in at different times over the centuries. The longer Creed seems to have arisen in what is now France and Spain. Charlemagne imposed it throughout his dominions, and it was finally accepted in Rome [by the Papacy].
It is possible that the Satanists somehow adapt the creed as part of their own theology, replacing Jesus with their God of Light (Lucifer). Throughout history, gnostics have made their own versions of the creed to support their own mystical, non-Biblical beliefs. The Creed of Appelles from the 2nd century includes phrases like:
"[We believe] That He formed His Body by taking portions of it from the substance of the universe, i.e. hot and cold, moist and dry.. That He received cosmical powers in the Body.. He departed to the Good Father, leaving the Seed of Life in the world.."
Or Satanists might exploit the fact that the verbiage is so old that it might not mean what we assume today, plus common words to them have secret meanings. Some scholars such as Professor Harnack of Berlin think the meaning we now put on many of the clauses of the creed is not true to the original meaning, with a different sense from the original framers.
Some theologans also have trouble with the concept that Christ was sent to Hell, and that could maybe be one of the things the Satanists embrace. The statement "He descended into hell" was not part of the creed until around 650 AD.
A simpler possibility is that Trump just didn't want to participate in a religious ceremony that was supposedly Christian but was performed and attended by Satanists, even though Trump has no personal problem with the Apostle's Creed himself.