Gendarmerie Armoured vehicle spotted heading to Paris in the Yvelines region :
Gendarmerie Armoured vehicle spotted heading to Paris in the Yvelines region :
Pretty polarized. At least 50% of the french army are muslims or africans. On the other side you have some patriots.
But dont count on the french army and general to lead a revolution.
My opinion: We cant escade a civil war and/or a partition off the country.
Sooner it will begin, better are our chance to make France great again (currently around 400 000 africans per year coming).
Maybe a lot of anon dont know, but the yellow vest come from all our cars. Its mandatory to have one in your car or you can get 90 euros ticket.
Demoncratie = Demon cracy
Source ? pretty sure you cant get conscious without blood pression.
Welcome to the first and the last communist country in Europe.