Anonymous ID: d14345 Dec. 6, 2018, 12:31 p.m. No.4184185   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Some sauce on the yellow vests and a possible reason for the army to come in…(((SOMEONE))) isn't happy that the French are on the cusp of ruining their plan for Europe.


Guess who isn't happy with the Yellow Vests? That's right..our old pal ISIS aka Israel. KEK Israel is getting worried their entire plan to fuck Europe over is falling apart.


Yellow vests: new threats from Daesh -via Israel


INFO PANAMZA. Three days before the next Parisian gathering of yellow vests, two Israeli agencies have published alleged threats of Daesh against France. The proof in pictures.


The 05.12.2018 at 17:38


On Tuesday, November 27, Panamza revealed that Daesh's pseudo-threats against the infiltrated , manipulated and manipulable movement of yellow vests were strangely disclosed through an Israeli source .


Today, Wednesday, December 5, rebelote: just three days before their new rally planned in Paris, the same Israeli source - assisted online by another - unveiled new threats visually formulated by accounts allegedly related to Daesh.


Discover below these six new images (in which are represented Vests yellow as well as the Arc of triumph) and the two Israeli sources at the origin of their propagation on line.


^^^^^English translation via Google


Link in French


AND guess what?


A car of peace found protestors


At least 7 students have been injured in a deliberately ramming attack in France against Macron protesters








Seguir Seguir a @FranceNews24




🔴 ALERTE INFO - #Givors : Une voiture percute des lycéens et fait sept blessés, l'automobiliste a été interpellé par les forces de l'ordre."


@ FranceNews24


Seguir Seguir @ FranceNews24




🔴 ALERT INFO - #Givors: A car hit high school students and seven wounded, the motorist was arrested by the police.

Anonymous ID: d14345 Dec. 6, 2018, 12:39 p.m. No.4184300   🗄️.is 🔗kun

On the cyclical nature of time/history. Interesting angle on the nature of humans, the tendency to rinse and repeat. I was mulling this over this morning re: the (((PLAN))) for Europe…invasive force takes over, slowly re-educates the local populace, builds on top of indigenous monuments and sacred places…and I thought of the Roman Empire for one…how they marched in and eliminated local traditions and beliefs and unified areas under their banner..then I thought of the Catholic cult and how they did the same. And now…Europe is being invaded by a population that is so completely different from to be seen as black and white…and the goal is not being hidden at's in plain sight…laws written to force compliance…this is a very interesting angle…because one type of invasion is very likely to appeal to a portion of the population. For instance if we ask Catholics if what they did to indigenous populations in order to take control…most Catholics would agree it was a good thing..because god….and now..oddly Catholics (and other xians) are facing the exact same thing THEY did to others…Muz are coming in in FLOODS and slowly taking over Cathedrals and churches and converting them to Mosques..and Catholics et al don't appear to like it. It's like…Do unto others as you would have them do unto you..and it seems hundreds of years post catholic invasion and conquest..they are being done unto…It's amazing to back up and look at this.


I'll post a perfect example of a MIRROR of what is happening NOW as compared to a historical event.

Anonymous ID: d14345 Dec. 6, 2018, 12:40 p.m. No.4184316   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The cyclical nature of time:


The more things change…the more they remain the same…for those of you who believe in the cyclical nature of things…this is a must read. Mind blowing…correlations I've read a lot of this stuff before but the totality of it in concert with what's happening today…it is quite incredible. It's a five part to first part below.




NOPE. The year is 1864…


Strange suicides


Corrupt media


Military tribunals


Insane asylums


Incestish shit


Necrophilia (incestuous)


drunks on duty




shitting on the Constitution / unjust arrests


>US Senator John Conness, a likely conspirator and a pallbearer at Lincoln’s funeral, was committed to an insane asylum, where he later died. There was a lot of that sort of thing going around in those days. The body of William Peterson – the owner of the boardinghouse where Lincoln was taken immediately after being shot, and where he died the next morning – was found on the grounds of the Smithsonian loaded with the drug laudanum. His death, needless to say, was ruled a suicide.


>That is a whole lot of tragedy to befall a lot of people who were in a position to know more about the Lincoln assassination than they should have. There was though at least one guy who saw his fortunes rise. Major General Lew Wallace was a member of the hopelessly corrupt military tribunal that sat in judgment of Mary Surrat and others.


>The media, apparently every bit as corrupt in those days as it is today, overwhelmingly supported Sickles while vilifying both Key and Sickles’ wife, who had reportedly been having an affair. Though standing trial for a capital offense, Sickles was allowed to stay in his jailer’s apartment, have unlimited visitors, and, most amazingly, retain his weapon.


>According to reports, Stanton kept his daughter’s decomposing corpse in a special container in his home for at least a year. Nothing there that would cause anyone to question his fitness to serve as Secretary of War.


> Parker had a seriously checkered history with the department, having been written up on multiple occasions for conduct unbecoming an officer, the use of insolent language, visiting a house of prostitution, inappropriately discharging his weapon, sleeping on duty, and being drunk on duty. He was nevertheless assigned the task of guarding the president, a development that historians have been unable to explain.


>Circa 1867, Baker published a book revealing the existence of what was said to be Booth’s suppressed diary. He subsequently barricaded himself in his home and told friends that a secret cabal was intent on killing him. Press reports from December 1867 through February 1868 tell of repeated attempts made on his life; he was shot at twice, stabbed on his own front porch, and beaten by three or four men who attempted to abduct him. Nevertheless, when he turned up dead on July 3, 1868, the cause of death was said to be meningitis, necessitating an immediate, sealed burial. A later exhumation though indicated that the cause of death was actually arsenic poisoning.


>running roughshod over the US Constitution. Under Baker’s (and Stanton’s) tyrannical watch, there were 260,000 dubious arrests made and some 38,000 people held without trial as political prisoners. Baker also introduced such innovations as midnight raids, forced entry without warrants, imprisonment without bail, and summary arrests.


This is a very well researched and written article

Anonymous ID: d14345 Dec. 6, 2018, 12:51 p.m. No.4184453   🗄️.is 🔗kun


French students protest education reform with Molotov cocktails.


French upper ed system used to be solely based on merit…meaning if you did not work hard pass the tests and perform well you did NOT get into the FREE upper ed programs. You would be offered training and schooling according to your abilities. Competition was stiff it ensured only the best got in…but someone noticed the shitskins were not qualifying for upper ed….


SO they changed the entire French education system to quota not merit…now shitskins HAVE to be given places in upper ed whether or not they qualify. In order to help shitskins qualify France has significantly dumbed down their lower ed school programs. That didn't help either…nothing can make dumb people smart…so they eliminated merit….that's why they are protesting the education system, that is why WE should be protesting too…the US system has slowly and quietly been dumbed down to the point of correcting grammar and spelling is raciss…now (((WHO))) would want our entire country to be dumbed down?


They have also instituted social policies are schools that are designed to control a child's home life and parental influence…just today an article appeared in Germany that exposed a document Kindergarten teachers were given to help them identify far right children…and recommend them for ….re-education. Some signifiers of far - right children would be girls in dresses and braids.


You all type a mean game…but in the meantime Islam is being inserted into your textbooks and you don't even notice…a world history book I worked on used to have a blurb on ALL world religions..the most recent version (written by (((GUESS WHO))) ) has put in an entire chapter on the glories of Islam…and shortened the blurbs on other religions…


You folks expect Trump to DO IT ALL…these are YOUR SCHOOLS…wake up before they end up like France's.


I've tried to tell you this before but you people are like raccoons with a shiny object grasping on so tight you can't figure out how to get your hand out of the jar….waiting for "boss" to tell you what t do, how to feel, where to look…what about right under your noses?