>>4184746 lb
Keep digging.
Would you believe Reagan's "Star Wars" program and Trump's "Space Force" are fighting the same enemy?
>Sci-Fi or precision M_planning?
>>4184746 lb
Keep digging.
Would you believe Reagan's "Star Wars" program and Trump's "Space Force" are fighting the same enemy?
>Sci-Fi or precision M_planning?
>>4172530 pb #5313
Q hints at D5 for months.
Cabal needs a FF to delay.
Q specifically says [D]ec 5.
Comey tweets about "Benji"/"Timberwolf" - signals that 41 is dead on 14 Nov (41 backwards).
Q lures DS into Dec 5 LOCK by pretending to be pissed about 'Hannity whistlebower leak' and say wiat until [MONDAY].
MINUTES LATER, 41 'dies'.
DS get their FF delay.
43 and co 'escorted' to DC for funeral.
Bill, Hillary, Barry and Michael (and MANY others, I'm sure) also in DC.
Talk of REV 21 (New Heaven and New Earth = God WINS.)
First priest starts talking at 33 bells while casket is walked down aisle.
Fox claims a total of 41 bells, but I counted 45. (Trump + Patriots win).
'Unprecedented' 21 planes to fly missing man for 41. (More REV 21 references).
The DS walked back into DC and are surrounded by MIL.
FEAR and DEFEAT all over their faces.
You've just witnessed their arrests.
I'm willing to bet that you'll never see Clinton's, Obama's or Bush's without MIL nearby again.
>Thank you for playing.
>Enjoy the show.
>Merry Christmas.