Long time lurker, first time caller here. Been lurking since near the beginning. I think most of us view the deepstate cabal as a bunch of satanic sleazeballs that have been creeping around for centuries doing evil for evil’s sake. While that may be true for the most part, there must be power struggles within their hierarchy and I imagine them as any crime family with a code of conduct for who gets a seat at the table, the number of seats at that table, sanctioning hits, and umbrellas of protection, etc. Within their ranks there must be varying degrees of evil and ruthlessness as well as conflicting loyalties and alliances within alliances. I think of it as a big fucked up “Game of Thrones” from hell. It also isn’t hard to imagine that some members of this sick little super exclusive club choose to keep some or most of their close family in the dark about Daddy’s biz. Think Tony Soprano, “legitimate garbage business owner” to his family and they can’t figure out why their teachers are too chicken shit to fail them or kick them off the football team. Imagine one day you realize your success is not due to your skill but to who you are connected to. Imagine the horror to find out who Daddy really was. Imagine if you were a President in the 60s when you found out and decided to do the right thing not understanding the power of those you were about to expose and the depths of their depravity.
This is the part where I tell you I suck at research but what little research I have done would seem to support some of this idea. Kenned[y] is named by one source as one of the 13 bloodlines. The [y] is lower case because it is not the first letter of the name but it is a letter that the other bloodlines don’t have (?). I think Q may be trying to tell us this when he writes Come[y] in post 2510. What evidence do we have that Joe Kennedy was illuminati? Made millions bootlegging during Prohibition, Ambassador to UK during WWII, and son Joe Jr blown to bits in a bomber loaded with explosives bound for Germany that never made it out of UK. Sounds like a burnt offering to me. Not going to mention the reclusive oldest daughter, sister of JFK. Once JFK commits the ultimate betrayal the family loses its Seat at the table and is in serious threat of being wiped out but for Jaquelin marrying another bloodline (Onasis) for protection. A certain Nazi / Jewish up-and-comer slides right into the vacated Seat.
Maybe this scenario has happened before. I submit Titanic victim John Jacob Astor IV. He opposed the creation of the FED. It’s all in Q post 142.
How do we know who was on the lifeboats (D or A)?
How were names and bodies recorded back then?
When were tickets purchased for her maiden voyage?
Who was ‘specifically’ invited?
Less than 10.
Did A (Astor) make it out alive? Did he go into hiding and form a group of outcasts that would later morph into the “White Hats”. Did it ever occur to you that the Q team has an insight that only a member could have?