Code for lesbian.
No offense, but delivered is the proper word; that would never constitute proper legal service. The card is not a legally served document.
It is Q's Counter.
And they revealed their fear; only the NSA could detect that collage, not the non-NSA shit they use. Q came here to inspire us to MEME because we are the memers, and we are the makers of memes.
That's how we play. We meme.
Wouldn't be the first time the Guard was deployed to Chicago. And now that Rahm has been forced/fired, it's about time to clean up the Windy City.
Is she the Mata Hari of our time? She keeps popping up in the most unlikely places.
Yeah, it was over when the subject (POTUS) responded to written interrogatories.
A Q flag would be yellow, but reflective vests weren't changed to be yellow. They come yellow. So, kind of hard to see the intention.
Test of faith and dedication perverted from Abraham and Isaac.
He did. He said, "Please allow us to counter."
So there's the counter. At the funeral. That postponed [D]5.
That makes you part of the problem.
Or a triple digit IQ. Better luck next life.
Papist Shills are on duty. Same mission. Slide, distract, demotivate. Fuck 'em.
By strict protocol, absolutely.
Wow, clown recruitment is really scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Don't throw me in the briar patch, Brer Fox, oh noes.