It's a term. But saying it this much is definitely out of place. Especially on SM unless mocking or signalling.
Yes, she was there. She's my new pick for next in deadpool.
You haven't been paying attention.
Pamela Anderson is the Cabal double/triple agent who gets sent between high profile people for "entertainment" and message-sending.
That story was for SOMEONE to read.
I'm tired of Catholics practicing simulated Cannibalistic death cult ceremonies at their "highest" honors. We all want thingsโฆ
Kek. Never heard of Communion. Really?
You sure you're Catholic or just hear to shill and slide?
Devil worshipers have all KINDS of ceremonies too. Can even raise people from the dead. Your point is?
What's that have to do with you pretending to practice Cannabalism by eating the body and drinking the blood of Jesus?
Answer that for me, one single time biblefag.
Why are you "pretending" to be Cannibals?
you practice pseudo-cannabalism too? and call it "holy"?
Regurgitated programming.
You're practice cannabalism and telling me it's "Holy". You can recite all you want but "by their actions ye shall know them"
You follow 2000 year old wolves in sheep's clothing.
Enjoy your Eucharist. Really truly visualize that taste of human flesh and blood. "God" sees that as TRULY faithful, ya know?
Stupid sick fucks.
yawn: still haven't explained how acting out cannabalism is in anyway "holy" or "of God" to a rational thinking human being. Especially when it's what Satanist and Luciferians practice too.
Don't worry I dont expect a real answer. You're not capable. You'll just repeat what some other idiot repeated to you and so onโฆ
You're boring and delusional and blind and practicing satanic ceremonies, so I'll pass on reading it for the 100th time. Enjoy your Jesus flesh, k?
Now it's time to filter you.