hickory dickory dock
the mouse ran up bill's clock
the clock struck 777
the buildings fell on 911
and the clinton foundation
was exposed as a crock…
hickory dickory dock
the mouse ran up bill's clock
the clock struck 777
the buildings fell on 911
and the clinton foundation
was exposed as a crock…
jack be nimble jack be quick
jack jumped over michelle's dick…
Hillary and Billary
went up the hill
to fetch a pale of water
Bill fell down
and broke his crown
and hillary was bailed out by her evil skenky daughter…
georgie porgy
pudding and pie
kissed little girls and made them cry
when barbra bush came out to play
george porgy
pretended to be gay…
okay so my nursery rhymes make little to no sense but one would think that we would see nothing rhymes or makes sense with the clinton, obama bush administrations either… starting to wonder about epstein island and other people like douche owitz…