>>4188444 lb
My Fellow Jewish People…
We should cease to unfairly and immorally interfere with our host nations and their citizens. We should always be thankful and respectful towards those citizens who give us a safe and welcoming place among them. Remember, we are guests in white western nations and should act accordingly. Always give the benefit of the doubt to them and reserve your scorn while parading your praise for their ways because remember… ITS THEIR COUNTRY NOT OURS. Ours is in Israel. If you don't remember, many western men and women died fighting the forces of evil partly so that us Jewish People can have a homeland of our own. We should be ever thankful and looking to reward our host nations. We should defer the best positions in business government and finance to their best people even if it is to our detriment. We should teach our children to respect their ways and to work hard to integrate and not disrupt their society. -An American Jew.