Tyb! o7
Have a Bumpersticker template Patriot! o7
EU army is to get Greeks to shoot up Germans etc. Devide et Impera anon. Think logically, EU sure as hell doesn't need an army since they don't defend their borders.
Not that long ago, EU bigwigs claimed there were no plans for a EU Army at all. However that has changed and when they do they always try to bring in evil Russia in the narrative to create one.
>>4189050 (pb)
>Sounds Great. But i don't believe it. Who gets to define what disinformation is?
If you have to ask, you haven't been paying attention.
Fakenews = Truth we do not want out.
Remember criticizing Population replacement/Forced Migration will be a criminal offense soon thanks to the same EU.
https:// www.express.co.uk/news/world/1052923/UN-migration-agreement-Angela-Merkel-EU-criticise-migration-hate-crime
Anons do know what EUGENDFOR was used as an intermediary until EU-ARMY was reality and that the Lisbon Treaty very sneakily introduced the authorization and use of "deadly force" as a way to counter "Strikes, riots or upheaval"? If not, please familiarize yourself with the EU directive in the Lisbon treaty
I'm trying to sauce it but seems the fuckers scrubbed the links I had.
Right now all I can find is an old question re: the deathpenalty asked in 2008.
http:// www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+WQ+E-2008-3106+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN
I will re-read the lisbon treaty later tomorrow when I got more time and will post if I can find the relevant article.
Did a dig re: that same but that was pre-Q and over 4 years ago (when some of my sauce was still not scrubbed)
Mild sauce:
>https:// gatesofvienna.net/2016/05/waffen-eugendfor-the-eus-crisis-reaction-mechanism/
(official EU promo site)
>http://www. eurogendfor.org/