Trump's Master Spooks [ = Q Team]
(A tribute to Q Team) 12-3-18
There's a team of military intelligence experts who have been executing a masterful, superb takedown of the Obama/Clinton crew, since Trump was inaugurated.
They operate from the shadows, in silence. And use deception and surprise, to carry out their objectives.
These are not pretend spooks, like the lamentable amateur Pete Strzok, who disclosed the entire Crossfire Hurricane crime by text.
These men and women likely hark from secret intelligence arms of the US military intelligence community, such as the DIA & Defense Clandestine Service.
Most will have honed their tradecraft in actual combat theaters such as Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria, learning from visionaries such as General Mike Flynn at JSOC. Others will have faced Chinese and Russian adversaries, over many years.
Their expertise extends from deception operations as described above, to counter-intelligence, psyops and misinformation. And much more, we have no knowledge of.
Think of them as a hidden Trump praetorian guard, total patriots who are determined to restore America as a functioning constitutional Republic, if not the shining light on the hill it aspires to be.
Their work has been devastatingly effective, against Obama's goons and the Clinton crime cartel.
con't in screenshots…….