FOR ALL THE FUCKING FUNERAL KIKE SLIDERS and the retards who bought into it…
OMG OMG OMG…WIN…MS Pence got her arrest warrant too! OMG OMG WAT DO?
FINANCIAL FRAUD…that is what the CLINTONS will go down for…that…I've said that from the beginning…they WILL get punished but you're sniffing glue if you think they will be tried publicly for the crimes against children and countries. NOT going to happen.
>Wow, Hannity's
tick tocking again? NOT ONE TICK OR TOCK has ever happened on his tick tocking…kek.
not me brah…I think for myself..which is why I'm able to scroll past toots without commenting, which is why the FUNERAL KIKES didn't rope me in, which is why I believe NOTHING until I SEE it.
BO please remove the ability to filter so we can clean this place out and raise our collective IQ to the place Q came to in the first place. Cause right now…shite.
DEAR ALIEN JESUS…I've thought of an epic plot to get Anderson Cooper fired. Please inplant the idea that he needs to go on the air wearing a letter Q somewhere on his person. The ensuing shit storm and spazzing will not only be epic, but like the poor SGT that fell victim to the fucking loose lips spazzing, he too will lose his job…
Amenra etc.
>Yea - Wed, Jan 2, 2019 - Obama Judge overturns "EO changing Military Tribunal rules"…
KEK..epic and true!
>This is a nothing burger by stupid Americans and American influenced armchair warriors who haven't a clue how the real world works.
SHHHH this is tonight's slide…KIKES lost out on the funeral…
BUT WHAT WOULD YOU SAY if I told you that ISIS aka israel and US DS announced that they are very unhappy with the yellow vest movement..and plan to take action? I have been posting this sauce since last night and the funeral fags have been posting shite drowning out legit info and digs.
WHY ISIS? The Israeli European population replacement plan is in danger…that's fucking WHY.
Men are better at everything than women…we will win Ms Universe, and we just helped defeat headscarf team at women's handball.
Any questions?
>Panama Papers
Having lived in Panama…I know there is only one reason to be doing business in Panama. KEK…international banking hub of hiding shit.
AYHUP…even Tucker has had it.
>Most likely answer is that these are hand-written, personalized letters from HW.
I know dude…trust me…but all last night and ALL today the fucking Funeral KIKE slide has been off the scales. ZERO digs. Just sayin
>JFK DECLAS notice
THAT is never going to happen. Sorry to burst your bubble head.
TRUMP stood in front of the entire nation and made him out to be an angelic angel. TRUMP refused to release ALL the JFK records. He knows what is in them. IF POPPY IS GUILTY then Trump knew it…and he stood up in front of all of us and lied. He doesn't even have plausible deniability because he KNOWS what is in the documents.
Also fucktard..why would MS Pence get an envelope notifying her of JFK declass….fucking gray matter, find it.