Anonymous ID: 2a7876 Feb. 18, 2018, 10:57 a.m. No.419190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9270 >>9799

Any way you slice it we are in for a mass psychotic breakdown and we have, among many others, the New York Times to thank. They will lie to the bitter end and their readership is doomed. For example today’s editorial from two time Pulitzer Prize winner Nick Kristof:


You’re Wrong! I’m Right!

Nicholas Kristof

New York Times

FEB. 17, 2018





>We live in two Americas.

>In one America, a mentally unstable president selected partly by Russia lies daily and stirs up bigotry that tears our social fabric.

>In another America, a can-do president tries to make America great again as lying journalists stir up hatred that tears our social fabric.


A reasonable representation of the current state of affairs.


>This is not to equate the two worldviews. I largely subscribe to the first, and I’m a villain in the second. But I do believe that all of us, on both sides, frequently spend more time demonizing the other side than trying to understand it, and we all suffer a cognitive bias that makes us inclined to seek out news sources that confirm our worldview.


Kristof admits personal bias towards one of these Americas but thinks both sides should take time to reflect.


>There’s not an exact parallel in the way the right and the left seek out like-minded news sources. The right has spawned conspiracy nuts like Alex Jones who believe that the Sandy Hook school shooting was faked, and one study found that the more people watched Fox News, the worse they did on a current events test.

>So I’m not advocating that you waste time on Breitbart propaganda any more than I’m saying that it was worth listening to leftists in the 1970s who praised Chairman Mao.


Upon further reflection Kristof thinks your America is literally worse than Mao’s China.


The New York Times is the Great Satan of American journalism. It is the front for the Cabal’s distribution of their daily talking points to the American press and public. They are at the top of the American journalism pyramid and are the final arbiters of truth to their sycophantic readership who would rather see the other America exterminated (see attached). This readership includes most of the sheep that are America’s top one percent.


News agencies (AP, Reuters) and other daily’s (WAPO, WSJ) are important but The Times picks and chooses what it wishes to recognize. The big media conglomerates (Gannet, Time Warner, Disney, Comcast, News Corp.) can broadcast propaganda to billions of people but they will never contradict The Times regarding content. They will not challenge the Cabal over its version of reality.


The New York Times must be exposed and its leaders punished. Our POTUS, as a lifelong New Yorker, must know this too (look at the Fake News Awards). The lies of The Times must be attacked and discredited at every turn.