re Mind Control. I've been looking for this movie. It's called Telefon and I remember being a kid and seeing it and being horrified. Now it looks like it's closer to the truth than I realized. https://
Yes, and family members as well.
This is where you see the logic leave and people making decisions on emotion only. Florida shooting = victims were kids = emotional reaction too strong to use logic. THIS is why kids were targeted.
I wonder if any deaf people have experienced any of this? If you're born deaf, you don't recognize spoken words. Do they see images? Maybe they're immune to this?
In the 80s and 90s I had recurrent dreams of tsunamis. I also dreamt my sibling was going to be murdered and sadly couldn't stop it from happening. But the tsunami dreams stopped abruptly early 90s and have never had another one. Wondering if it was in the works and scuttled. Also wonder what year that painting was done.