HMMM Would really need some sauce on this. My first question, is if "they" are so much powerful, and all knowing……why the fuck would they write it down? They even say they will fuck the ones helping. Until I see some sauce and it best be tasty………….I call BULLSHIT on this. >>419226
As you said, the majority of the people see the occult as a wet dream by sick people.
And this clearly is written as "occultish", which the majority of the people think is a wet dream of sick people.
If this "document" isn't verified or signed by Aleister Crowley……………or the Witches of Eastwick and it's passed about……..don't you think people would ask the same thing I just did? WHERES THE SAUCE? Oh what's going on in the document is true, of that I have no doubt, but it might be posted to make The Storm look like the wet dream of sick people.
That's my only point regarding it. >>419334
Thank you for sending The Secret Covenant.
Since you requested my opinion, it is that this document is not authentic. I believe it is a fairly accurate summary of what is really happening in our world, and it may correctly expresses the dark motives of the highest masters who pursue such plans, but it is highly unlikely that any of them would describe their agenda with such self-condemning language.
If they ever put such a plan into print (which would be foolish of them), the language would be couched and self-serving, making every act seem justified and wise.
I believe this piece was written by some well-intentioned soul who wanted to use it to convince his friends of the truth of what he has been telling them all along. It is similar to The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion that has circulated among pro-freedom groups for over fifty years.
The Protocols express an almost identical blueprint but portends to be written by Jewish conspirators. However, as you pointed out in your message, only those who are already aware of a hidden hand in world affairs will have any basis for understanding these documents - and even those justifiably will question their validity.
There are plenty of authentic documents and elements of verifiable history to prove almost everything stated in The Secret Covenant.
We do not need to invent anything to make our friends take notice. We should stick with the verifiable record rather than rely on documents that cannot be authenticated. Anonymous sources almost always weaken our case.
Thank you for requesting my analysis. I hope you agree with it.
Ed Griffin
This was written below. I don't know who Ed Griffin is either.
Yes, It's my opinion. As said before, that stuff is going on…….however the document itself is an unverified piece of shit. A US History book lays out the last 70 years too. You buy everything in that? >>419556