Anonymous ID: f9874f Feb. 18, 2018, 10:40 a.m. No.419076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9090 >>9094 >>9114 >>9244 >>9355 >>9369 >>9377 >>9396 >>9520 >>9659 >>9678

First post, I’ve been lurking for months.

I’ve watched the Q information steadily come out and now I’m starting to feel hopeful that the Cabal will be neutralised as they pose an existential threat to our planet.

I’ve been redpilled for decades, ex Military (Not USA) now a scientist/engineer. Seen active service all over the world but seen enough to know it was in the service of evil people.


I’ve watched the Cabal act with impunity pulling shoddy false flags that were obvious and yet the general population got steadily more hypnotised into a death sleep.

Decided to conduct my own alternative research projects as the only way I could give the cabal the middle finger. It only takes one proof of concept Rife device or working Biefeld-brown machine and then to give this technology away for free to shift the global paradigm back towards humanity. If we can be self-reliant on energy and health then we are truly free of this fucked up sick prison system they’ve been building around us for centuries.

I watched Q’s post on the electromagnetic signals and thought I’d add my own take on it.

Electromagnetic signals can produce significant effects of the human psyche. Here’s some relevant information from a scientist working in this field.

I’ve followed Professor Michael Persinger’s research for years, and I’m convinced that the Cabal have access to this information but at a much more advanced level, and they are actively using this technology against us in a variety of ways.



Brief Summary:

There are four forces in nature. Strong and Weak nuclear force, Gravity and the Electromagnetic force. The only fundamental force in nature that we can manipulate at the level of the cell/molecule/atom is the electromagnetic field strength.

Interview 2- Interesting from Time 05:26


Summary- Mixing high frequency electromagnetic signals can create a very low frequency beat signal. A simplistic example is that by sending out a 1000 Hertz Signal and mixing in a 1010 Hz signal will produce a third 10Hz beat frequency. These beat signals can be of a low enough frequency to affect biological systems. There is an effect called the ‘frequency following response’ where your brain will begin to entrain itself with a frequency that it is exposed to.

The brain is a sensor that can be manipulated using various methods. Sensory deprivation, starvation, meditation, drugs, binaural beats, electromagnetic frequencies etc.

Consciousness is not continuous it is created between 40-50 Hz. If you can slow down the brains refresh rate then you can change the consciousness of the subject and potentially induce psychic functioning. Remote viewing, intuition, shamanic experience etc.

Interview 3 Minute05:45- Cyclic changes in human nature due to Sun Cycle. You can induce the feminisation of males using weak electromagnetic fields (Proven in Rates)


Is the Cabal trying to detrimentally alter our human evolutionary progress by using electromagnetic signals transmitted over mobile phones and inducing damaging beat frequencies? A slow kill off of our species by constant exposure to electromagnetic noise that we cannot escape from but penetrates and affects us at a cellular level.

Steve Jobs? Was he given weaponised cancer to gain control of Apple to allow this agenda to play out using the iphone as Blackberry not trusted to be part of the cabal?

Steve Jobs approached Dr Nick Gonzales who was a medical practitioner who specialised in treating cancer patients using alternative methods. (Add Nick to the list of alternative Doctors who died at roughly the same time period a few years ago. Heart attack, even though he was extremely healthy at the time)

Nick stated on camera the Steve thought he was smart enough to figure out his own methods to beat cancer and didn’t take his advice.

Another gem from Persinger that’s well worth your time.

No more secrets:


Also the Cabal appear to be giving us the standard ‘hidden in plain sight’ social conditioning bullshit with the film the Kingsman where electromagnetic technology is used to kill of the global population.


Anonymous ID: f9874f Feb. 18, 2018, 11:24 a.m. No.419345   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Thanks, I'll share what I have that's just the tip of what I've found. Mass hypnosis and social conditioning are actively being done all over the world right now using the media. If you watch a news channel they almost all start with a animated rotating spheres which put you in a suggestive state so that you absorb the narrative without question. This is a subtle hijacking of our free will in order to create a consensus reality that benefits special interest groups or to steer an agenda. I've stopped watching TV. I think the west will become like Moscow in the communist era. Whenever Pravda (TV News in Russia back then) would be on TV, a majority of people got into the habit of walking their dogs to avoid the lies on TV, and so more and more people started to become aware that others hated the propaganda also. Once this reached a tipping point the spell was broken. Much like what Q and the people on here are trying to achieve.




The application of hidden beat frequency entertainment in phone signals is actually much more insidious than just trying to steer the mass consciousness though. I think it is to produce an actual detrimental biological effect in humanity.

Anonymous ID: f9874f Feb. 18, 2018, 11:39 a.m. No.419469   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Maybe, but then those in the know wouldn't use a device that was subject to the beat frequency. The harmful signal could be targeted toward specific people/devices and not at the 'club' members. Magnetic field strength dissipates with the inverse square rule. Meaning it is significantly weakens over distance so probably only affects those actually carrying the device.