Thx for posting, God bless our fleet.
Somehow the "Chuck" and "Nancy" ref sounds strange too in this tweet….is the "big danger" really on the "border" or re the "boarder"? What or who is the "boarder"?
Are the migrants the ones who are trying to "surge" or somebody/something connected with "Chuck" and "Nancy"? Is this a warning to them–to the House dems? Calling them by "pet" names is sort of a put-down. Maybe he's saying, "I really mean it, don't do something stupid."
Not a Bible fag. You're not the first to notice the similarities between some aspects of institutionalized Christianity and…well, the darker side of religion.
But it's a pretty deep dive for most people, unless they are mystically inclined.
To me, the essence of Christianity involves the golden role, forgiveness, prayer, and the holy spirit (which to me, is my inner voice). I stay away from doctrinal discussions because nobody can prove anything one way or the other. And it tends to divide people instead of bringing them together.
Ok, why do you say it's about piracy? Got sauce?
I'm interested. Posted info about the same type of vibration seen in May in the middle of the night in the US, moving from east to west.
What do you know about the Mayotte vibration? Working on that digg, am trying to put together the relationship between the mayotte coral reef, the oil under the reef, the 11-11 wave, the trafficking in the Comoros, and–just last night–the big alternative energy project launched by the Clinton Foundation in the Comoros, along with other island nations in the Caribbean and elsewhere. Kind of a big project–$300,000,000!! Lotsa players, Corey's Digs have mega-info but so deep it's hard to digest.
So….if you have any insights….
I just saw the post about boarders being pirates, don't know whether it's yours doesn't matter…
We each know different things. Helpful to share with others, helpful to be able to ask wo/getting criticized, helpful to be as articulate as possible.
If you have sauce, just copy pasta–easy. Each new audience needs sauce, just the way it is…..
Breaking news
Laura I. just said there's a bomb threat at CNN right now