Timestamps Confirm
Will watch a bit later thank you Anon
Yeah, the way W was labeled as an idiot in the press kind of tells you how they really felt about him unless that was just cover.
Yeah it was obvious Cheney was there on a mission while W was the puppet distraction.
Daniel = False Prophet
Samael Dies
Indeed Anon. Welcome Home. Welcome to the Age of Brotherly Love
Sounds Corny
Not my first choice
But it works
Comey is good right?
He seems like a great guy to me. Who knows?
I looooooove YOU
I know the real Daniel and I promise you he is no where near 8 Chan. LOL
Bobby Digital
Gen X
Doesnt give up shit
We know who we are
We know what we want
Don't like it?
Keep Scrolling
The Real Daniel has walked through pure hell his entire life and I promise you he doesn't take any shit from some flaming faggot like yourself.
Those are MY WORDS
That may be true but it may also be a product of our environment. Climate change is real, just isnt the way we are taught it to be. Intentions matter.
I'm not a scientist, but I've got to say….
Day Rocks!!!
Day Rocks!!
Day Rocks!
Where can we volunteer for the DNA renewal? I humbly present to you, for your consideration, myself.
George knows everything and probably regrets it all. The others had no idea Poppy was popped and they thought the secrets died with him.
Fuck yeah, a lot of us knew the old tech and then transitioned to the new tech. What we have today isnt new per say, its built on the foundation laid well before it.
We know the inside of the inside. The tick and the tock.
Its the impurities in the water that are conductive. Not the water itself irrc.