Anonymous ID: eb54b1 Dec. 7, 2018, 5:45 a.m. No.4195992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6004





From at least since the Middle Ages, elite European Old Religion Satanic Circles believed that women and their private parts including their asses/anuses were possessed by the DEVIL or could be spiritual possessed by the Serpent’s fierily breath,


and the Ocsulum infame– ”Shameful Kiss.”


“HOMAGE TO THE DEVIL”, and The KISS OF SHAME (Ocsulum Infame)

The Sabbath (homage to the devil) took place in a dark cave, the DEVIL being shown above on the right is in the form of a large goat (PAN). There are two cats and a snake in the lower left corner. The snake is associated with the DEVIL and their presence at the Sabbath identify the gatherers with the evil night gatherings to worship SATAN. It also seems to show an act of shameful sodomy by a demon on a gatherer while he reads from the DEVIL’s Spell Book. The Sabbath (homage to the devil) and the Satanic Cult of the Booty never died out. It went elite ultra secret society underground for generations.


Yet, it is slowly but steadily rising to the surface disguised behind the veil of the popular HollyWeird film, hip hop/rap music and entertainment industry;

Anonymous ID: eb54b1 Dec. 7, 2018, 6:02 a.m. No.4196113   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Krayleigh-Oxfords - pedophile oath-taking ceremonies - Oxford University and the 108 City & Guilds of London Worshipful Livery Companies - D2-Banking™

Source: Hawks Cafe; Captain Sherlock; Abel Danger


October 30, 2010


Dear Lord Pearson and Mr. Farage:


Crown Sisters’ Krayleigh-Oxfords and the Worshipful Pedophiles


Abel Danger asks UKIP to investigate Crown Agents’ alleged hiring of Sisters (see notes) to stage pedophile oath-taking ceremonies and procure digital snuff-film images to extort assets moving through Krayleigh Enterprises prisoner protection racket, Oxford University and the 108 City & Guilds of London Worshipful Livery Companies.


Video: Krays. Lords of the Underworld. Channel 4 documentary 1997: