I don't know how
point? bolton one of the worst neocon globalists.
As i recall on the council of foreign relations as well. lemme check. I know he is on one board of a big globalist org.
Bolton is a former senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI),[12] senior advisor for Freedom Capital Investment Management,[13] a Fox News Channel commentator, and of counsel in the Washington, D.C. office of the law firm Kirkland & Ellis.[14] He was a foreign policy adviser to 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney.[15] Bolton is also involved with a number of politically conservative think tanks, policy institutes and special interest groups, including the Institute of East-West Dynamics, the National Rifle Association, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, Project for the New American Century, Jewish Institute for National Security of America (JINSA), Committee for Peace and Security in the Gulf, the Council for National Policy, and the Gatestone Institute,[16] where he served as the organization Chairman until March 2018.[17]
Bolton has been called a "war hawk" and is an advocate for regime change in Iran and North Korea and repeatedly called for the termination of the Iran deal.[18][19] He was an early supporter of the Iraq War and continues to back this position.
from wikipedia
You have a real problem when you lay down and accept everything at face value.
I just went through 8 years of obama lying. I got to question nixon and kissinger opening up relations and trade with china(how has that worked out for us?)
how has any of the last 40 years worked out for the world, sans Trump's 2 years?
I will question and study what is being done.
yeah, well you go ahead and ask POTUS if he has ever heard from me before.
The only positive would be that he knows all that went on during those years.
On a side note,
Why hasn't paul wolfowitz' name been brought up? He was one of the main architects of the Iraqi war and served with pappa b. as well.
His head should be on the chopping block.
โฆand if they refuse to pay what then? What can they do? They are a board of thieves, nothing more.
That is true LOL
This makes me even wonder if the so called protest at Trucker's house, wasn't just staged by fox and friends.
yes. that is why they need to beโฆasked to leave Europe, before they can establish one.
I think we are coming up to the time it will be done. Huber testifies. Mueller hands in his report, We have Barr picked as the new ag. All those pieces fall together it seems.
I agree. If someone has an opinion own as your own. "WE" are individuals and no one but I, speaks for me.
I certainly hope not but I am about 99% wrong on everything so, who knows.