The loud, frantic, 20 post/bread, no trust me I'm really an anon and IM PISSED concern shills always seem to show up this time of day.
The loud, frantic, 20 post/bread, no trust me I'm really an anon and IM PISSED concern shills always seem to show up this time of day.
>Real autists worked very hard to uncover many valid and verifiable comms methodologies in the early days, but fell short and mostly gave up.
>Clockfags picked up the 30% of the method we figured out and superglued it together, and began calling it 100%
This is all you need to understand about the "clock"
This is why sometimes it gives you a glimmer of hope that it's valid, occasionally lining up and showing some correlation.
It's also why it can never show anything consistently, has no predictive power, and hasn't really produced a single thing of value in 6 months.
If anything, the Q-Clock is like the Jordan Peterson of this board. It scoops up a lot of really complicated and true things to lure honest-hearted and intelligent anons in, then redirects their efforts down an endlessly spinning hole of futility.
It's the gatekeeper theory to try to catch any anon who might get too close to actually solving the comms.
In the past there were times I struck a nerve and posted some new idea about the MAP (the web post in particular), and it would set off a nuclear shill bomb for days. Other anons had simlar experiences when they would post promising ideas.
The fact that the clock has been shilled heavily about daily for months with no resistance whatsoever should be enough to make any anon suspicious.
>Sessions steathily oversees the slow dismantling of the DOJ/FBI and Huber
>Whitaker brought in, instantly regains control of SC and DECLAS
>Whitaker reins in SC, allows Huber to release report, establishes all ongoing investigations publicly, passing a point of no return.
>Whitaker dips back out Mucci-style, and allows any other AG to take over (it hardly matters at this point)
>New AG just travels the road that's already laid out for him, with guardrails on. Establishment player so he is confirmed easily and has no narrative heat.
What are you dumb faggots not understanding