Barr for new AG… are we still trusting the plan?
Good point, I really hope thats the plan. Not to mention, he knows GWHB's skeletons
I figured as much. I guess my thought is "wow this will look back if he is a short lived AG". but then again, when SHTF this entire country will be flipped upside down, and a short lived AG will be the least of everyones worries
I was making convo.. and I got alot of intelligent responses (with the exception of yours). Fuck off faggot
Absolutely. I trust the plan… just doing what everyone else is doing and trying to figure this move out
I guess we will find out via his confirmation vote
>Sessions steathily oversees the slow dismantling of the DOJ/FBI and Huber
Huh? The dismantling of Huber?
Im not seeing the point of "intentionally leaking" AG William Barr yesterday, if it just gets announced publicly the next day
I dont think Kelly is going anywhere
Is a better strategy to do DECLAS before or after new congress takes seat?
If all the pieces are put in place, it doesnt really matter who the AG is…. its too late to stop whats coming