Anonymous ID: 232b7d Dec. 7, 2018, 9:25 a.m. No.4198408   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"I Know Where All The Bodies Are Buried": Clinton Foundation CFO Spills Beans To Investigators


he CFO of the Clinton Foundation, thinking he was "meeting an old professional acquaintance," admitted to investigators that the charity had widespread problems with governance, accounting and conflicts of interest, and that Bill Clinton has been commingling business and personal expenses for a long time, reports The Hill's John Solomon.


Clinton Foundation CFO Andrew Kessel made the admissions to investigators from MDA Analytics LLC - a firm run by "accomplished ex-federal criminal investigators," who have been probing the Clinton Foundation for some time.


Kessel told MDA "There is no controlling Bill Clinton. He does whatever he wants and runs up incredible expenses with foundation funds, according to MDA's account of the interview. "Bill Clinton mixes and matches his personal business with that of the foundation. Many people within the foundation have tried to caution him about this but he does not listen, and there really is no talking to him."


MDA compiled Kessel's statements, as well as over 6,000 pages of evidence from a whistleblower they had been working with separately, which they secretly filed with the FBI and IRS over a year ago. MDA has alleged that the Clinton Foundation engaged in illegal activities, and may owe millions in unpaid taxes and penalties.


In addition to the IRS, the firm’s partners have had contact with prosecutors in the main Justice Department in Washington and FBI agents in Little Rock, Ark. And last week, a federal prosecutor suddenly asked for documents from their private investigation.



The memo also claims Kessel confirmed to the private investigators that private lawyers reviewed the foundation’s practices — once in 2008 and the other in 2011 — and each found widespread problems with governance, accounting and conflicts of interest.


“I have addressed it before and, let me tell you, I know where all the bodies are buried in this place,” the memo alleges Kessel said.



The 48-page submission, dated Aug. 11, 2017, supports its claims with 95 exhibits, including internal legal reviews that the foundation conducted on itself in 2008 and 2011. -The Hill


As Solomon noted in January, the Little Rock FBI field office has been spearhandling an investigation into pay-for-play schemes and tax code violations according to law enforcement officials.


The officials, who spoke only on condition of anonymity, said the probe is examining whether the Clintons promised or performed any policy favors in return for largesse to their charitable efforts or whether donors made commitments of donations in hopes of securing government outcomes.


The probe may also examine whether any tax-exempt assets were converted for personal or political use and whether the Foundation complied with applicable tax laws, the officials said. -The Hill


Meanwhile, the Clinton Foundation has been under investigation by the IRS since July, 2016 according to a January report by the Dallas Observer - after 64 GOP members of congress received letters urging them to push for an investigation. The investigation is being handled by their Dallas office - far away from Washington insiders.

Anonymous ID: 232b7d Dec. 7, 2018, 9:28 a.m. No.4198469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8521

Images of students’ arrests ‘shocking’, France in ‘exceptional violence’ – education minister


French education minister Jean-Michel Blanquer admitted that the images of students on their knees, while being arrested by baton-wielding officers are “shocking.”


The controversial video from Mantes-la-Jolie released late Thursday has been a hot topic of discussion on social media. Depicting rows of education reform protesters on their knees, hands on heads, with helmeted police officers, it gathered thousands of retweets and angry comments. Many users compared the manner the officers were handling the arrestees with execution by firing squad.


On Friday morning, French Education Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer was asked by France Inter radio to give his opinion on the video.


The image is shocking, there have been shocking images because we are in a climate of exceptional violence


By “climate of exceptional violence” he was referring to Yellow Vest protests that have been gripping the nation for the third consecutive week. Big rallies are expected this Saturday and authorities are gathering re-enforcements in the face of 89,000 police officers and armored vehicles belonging to Gendarmerie, the country’s military police.

Anonymous ID: 232b7d Dec. 7, 2018, 9:31 a.m. No.4198527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8622

Canada Urges World "Have Fewer Children" To Fight Climate Change


I understand some people just don’t want to believe that all this Global Warming is a ploy because they know the bulk of society is just too stupid or naive to understand they are being manipulated.


A number of people do not want to believe the secret agenda is to reduce population growth. Here it is in black and white published in Canada.


They argue that the #1 way to prevent climate change is to STOP having children!!!!!!

Anonymous ID: 232b7d Dec. 7, 2018, 9:33 a.m. No.4198552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8669 >>8887

Russia ready to switch off Visa & Mastercard ahead of tougher US sanctions


Moscow faces prospects of harsher sanctions this coming January as the US Congress is set to discuss a new package of anti-Russian penalties. The Russian central bank has warned the country’s lenders over potential risks.


The regulator has recommended that Russian financial institutions take the necessary preventive steps in case their partner-banks are forced to stop providing connection to services by the world’s two most used payment systems – Visa and Mastercard, reports Russian business daily Vedomosti.


The list of Russia’s banking majors that are currently working as an intermediary include Credit Union “Payment Center,” one of Russia's largest private lenders Uralsib, Rosbank that operates as a Russian subsidiary of the international financial group Societe Generale, Russia’s second biggest bank VTB and privately owned Promsvyazbank.


VTB and Promsvyazbank have already been included in the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA), approved by US Congress last summer. The legislation allows Washington to introduce penalties against enterprises and individuals that are seen as hostile towards the US or loyal to regimes that are hostile to the US.


The Central Bank of Russia advises that Russian banks should look for an alternative sponsor that will be able substitute a current provider of Visa and MasterCard services, seal a maintenance service contract and test an opportunity of integrating.


In response to sanctions Russia has developed its own national payment system. The Mir payment system was introduced in 2015 after clients of several Russian banks were temporarily unable to use Visa and Mastercard due to US sanctions. Customers found bank issued credit cards linked to Visa and Mastercard systems no longer worked. The country issued 37 million Mir cards as of June 2018.


Earlier this month, Sberbank CEO German Gref said one or two of the Russian lenders are vulnerable to potential US sanctions. However, Gref stressed that none of the banking majors would be sanctioned.

Anonymous ID: 232b7d Dec. 7, 2018, 9:36 a.m. No.4198608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8659 >>8768 >>8887

Celebrity pays off over $400,000 in Christmas layaways in the city of Atlanta: ‘God bless, go get your stuff. Merry Christmas.’


Writer, director, producer, and actor Tyler Perry paid off more than $400,000 Walmart Christmas layaways recently in and around his Atlanta home.

What are the details?


On Thursday, Perry shared a Twitter video telling his followers that if they had layaways at the Walmart locations in East Point, Georgia, or Douglasville, Georgia, to go pick them up — as they'd been paid off.


Perry captioned the video, which has been "liked" over 78,000 times at the time of this writing, "I was trying to do this anonymously but oh well!!!"


According to a CNN report, Tyler dropped about $432,000 on people's layaways.


In the video, Perry said, "I was trying to do this anonymously, but due to some circumstances … you know how nothing stays secret these days, I just wanted to go ahead and tell you."


Perry went on to reveal the big news and locations impacted by his generosity.


"Merry Christmas, everybody, you have to go into the Walmart and get your layaway, pay a penny — one penny — and you get your layaway," he grinned.


"I know it's hard times, a lot of people struggle, and I'm just really, really grateful to be in a position to do this, so God bless you, go get your stuff," he closed. "Merry Christmas!"


What did Walmart say?


In response to Perry's video, Walmart tweeted their thanks.


The retailer wrote, "Anonymous or not, we hope you know that you just made Christmas for so many families. You went above and beyond. Thank you #SparkKindness."

Anonymous ID: 232b7d Dec. 7, 2018, 9:40 a.m. No.4198682   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Opens Fire On Mueller, Comey As New Revelations Expected Today


President Trump went on an early morning tirade Friday, ripping Robert Mueller and "Leakin' Lyin' " James Comey amid reports that new revelations from the special counsel investigating Russian collusion are expected today.


"Robert Mueller and Leakin’ Lyin’ James Comey are Best Friends, just one of many Mueller Conflicts of Interest. And bye the way, wasn’t the woman in charge of prosecuting Jerome Corsi (who I do not know) in charge of “legal” at the corrupt Clinton Foundation? A total Witch Hunt…" Trump wrote on Twitter before dawn.


Robert Mueller and Leakin’ Lyin’ James Comey are Best Friends, just one of many Mueller Conflicts of Interest. And bye the way, wasn’t the woman in charge of prosecuting Jerome Corsi (who I do not know) in charge of “legal” at the corrupt Clinton Foundation? A total Witch Hunt…

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 7, 2018


Trump also took aim at Andrew Weissmann, described by The New York Times as "Mueller's pit bull."


"….Will Robert Mueller’s big time conflicts of interest be listed at the top of his Republicans only Report. Will Andrew Weissman’s horrible and vicious prosecutorial past be listed in the Report. He wrongly destroyed people’s lives, took down great companies, only to be…….. …..overturned, 9-0, in the United States Supreme Court. Doing same thing to people now. Will all of the substantial & many contributions made by the 17 Angry Democrats to the Campaign of Crooked Hillary be listed in top of Report," Trump wrote.


….Will Robert Mueller’s big time conflicts of interest be listed at the top of his Republicans only Report. Will Andrew Weissman’s horrible and vicious prosecutorial past be listed in the Report. He wrongly destroyed people’s lives, took down great companies, only to be……..

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 7, 2018


…..overturned, 9-0, in the United States Supreme Court. Doing same thing to people now. Will all of the substantial & many contributions made by the 17 Angry Democrats to the Campaign of Crooked Hillary be listed in top of Report. Will the people that worked for the Clinton….

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 7, 2018


Trump also fired a shot at Hillary Clinton and the "charitable" foundation she runs with her husband and daughter.

Anonymous ID: 232b7d Dec. 7, 2018, 9:41 a.m. No.4198730   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US preparing to sink Obama-signed nuke control treaty with complaints about Russian missile – Lavrov


The US may be preparing to torpedo the New START deal with Russia, which limits the number of nuclear weapons each country can have, in its latest escalation over a Russian missile “violating” the INF arms treaty, Moscow says.


The suspicion was voiced by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in response to remarks by US Joint Chief of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford, who said the New START treaty may be affected by the current quarrel, between the two countries, over another key agreement, the INF Treaty.


New START was signed in 2010 by then-presidents Dmitry Medvedev and Barack Obama. It set limits on how many nuclear warheads, and means for their delivery, each country can possess. It replaced an earlier agreement signed by US and USSR and is due to expire in 2021, with an option of a five-year extension.


The INF in turn was agreed in late years of the Cold War and banned a certain class of weapons – land-based ballistic and cruise missiles if intermediate range – to reduce tension in Europe. The mass deployment of such missiles by NATO nations and the Warsaw Pact Organization on the continent was deemed too risky, since it made the possibility of a nuclear war by mistake too likely.


“I have seen the statement that if the INF no longer exists, then the New START will be put in question,” Lavrov told journalists on Friday.


It seems that the ground is being laid to eventually scrap this document too.


The INF has had a bumpy road over the past decade as tension between the US and Russia escalated. Washington claims Russia has secretly developed a missile that violates the terms of the treaty. Moscow says the US has de facto made its Tomahawk missiles land-based with the creation of the AEGIS Ashore, the land-based version of the naval anti-missile system that uses launchers compatible with the iconic cruise missiles.

Anonymous ID: 232b7d Dec. 7, 2018, 9:43 a.m. No.4198806   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Russia China US fighting and as they do they are dismantling the cabal systems.





Anonymous ID: 232b7d Dec. 7, 2018, 9:46 a.m. No.4198860   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Well, did he? Bolton says he knew of Huawei exec’s arrest ‘in advance,’ contradicts own spokesman


The saga into the arrest of a top Huawei executive continues, with John Bolton saying he knew the woman was going to be detained ahead of time. However, the national security adviser’s own spokesman says he didn’t have a clue.


In an NPR interview on Thursday, Bolton said he knew ahead of time that Meng Wanzhou, the global chief financial officer at the Chinese telecommunications equipment maker Huawei, was going to be arrested in Canada. She faces possible extradition to the US for allegedly breaking a trade embargo with Iran.


“I knew in advance, but this is something that we get from the Justice Department and these kinds of things happen with some frequency,” Bolton said, while stating that he was unsure if President Donald Trump knew the arrest was coming. “We certainly don't inform the president on every one of [these arrests].”


But Bolton's own spokesperson has a different story to tell. Just hours after the national security adviser's comments to NPR, the spokesperson told CBS News that neither Bolton nor Trump were aware of the arrest before it happened. He said Bolton's comment about “knowing in advance” was in reference to a briefing Bolton received between the time of the Vancouver arrest on December 1 and the news being made public on December 5.


During his interview, Bolton declined to go into detail about Meng's arrest. However, Reuters has cited people familiar with the investigation as saying she was connected to an alleged scheme to use the global banking system to circumnavigate US sanctions against Iran.