Awake ID: 619a2f Message Confirmed Feb. 18, 2018, 12:55 p.m. No.420053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0054 >>0062 >>0069 >>0125

1/4 (Contd in replies)

Apologies for being late to the show on this subject. Additionally, i am a terrible writer/teacher, so steal this, edit as you see fit to push traction.


Apparently i have had most of the pieces for quite some time, just had trouble connecting the dots. Ive asked for help, someone/something listened (and i thank you for granting my requests); now, I believe i may be of assistance to some of you who are still seeking the connections and answers.


We as humans required water, oxygen, food, etc, plants require sunlight, and so on. Well apparently, we require something else to functional at peak potential. I beg you to not walk away here, but we require "energy". (Please hear me out). (Please!)


Animals can sense when we are feeling happy/sad, pet owners observe this on a regular basis. Dogs know their owner is leaving work early when their owner is working 30 miles away. How? Clearly there is a link in which we are unaware, forgot how to use or it was STOLEN FROM US.


Indulge me for a second. Lets assume "God" (in a basic sense) does exist. Instead of picturing the glowy dude in the sky, picture a star. Then assume we are all parts of that star. The star floats around taking little shits everywhere, and we are those little shits. Therefore, we are all god, or parts of god.


In the bible, the most popular word is God, the second, "blood". Blood & God, the blood of the gods. The blood is from god. Within each little drop of blood is an absurdly complex dna helix. Instead of assuming your role was to evolve your being, assume you duty was to evolve your blood (the dna), and to pass on that blood to fitting partners to create the best chance of evolving the dna to a point where your own bloodline can move on, or ascend if you will. (I promise im going somewhere with this).


So how do we ascend, well if you follow all this crap, we increase our cellular vibration to the point where we can rise past our current dimension, and in time, join the source. But how do you do this? What is the magic button that we flip? Well for one, my best guess is your dna has to be evolved to the basic level to allow this transition to begin with, but again, there must be a switch/trigger to make it happen.


So the cabal (evil folks, dems, jews, the cumulative of whoever they are) well they claim they deal in energy. They claim its almost a commodity, it is the entire purpose of their existence, and ours as cattle. They claim they are harvesting our energy, some benefit form the harvest, some are middle-men, some use the energy. Who uses it, the cabal, the jews, the rothchilds, aliens, lizard, i dont know that part.

Awake ID: 619a2f Feb. 18, 2018, 12:55 p.m. No.420054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0125



But either way, the jack our energy, and they benifit form it. (Comon anon, keep following me, i swear im not fuckign nutz)


Ok, so if this is true (yea energy right??) then they are stealing our energy, and they are using it. You say, what energy? I propose you never even know you had it or needed it.


Ok so if we are all one, hence the "its a mirror" or "do unto others as you wish to be done to you", or "karma if you will", if we are all one, if we are all the same being, or fragments of the same thing, then when i take a dump on your lawn, it pisses you off, then you get mad at the mcdonalds kid, and he spits in my food. Again, think mirror. But why?


Its the energy. You see, when you are happy, your produce energy (your dog knows this) but when you are sad or angry, you produce energy (your horse or cat knows this). The reality is, you were meat to broadcast your own energy to others like you, to me, and the other anons. You were meant to tell us you are angry, and we were meant to understand your energy and help or assist you, as we all are one. The catch is, we cant see your energy, we cant get it anymore, as the ability to use your energy has been jacked.


Here is what i understand. We can still communicate with animals as they only jacked the frequency or the spectrum that was useful to them. Perhaps what animals use was no good, or, not enough. They needed something from humans. So they poisoned us, with the floride, or the crap food, or whatever. They broke us so we either cant broadcase on that frequency or spectrum, or cant broadcast as far. So i can no longer transmit my engery to you. But instead, a bunch of dumb asses conned us all to put sail fones in our hand, in which the entire backing plate is an antenna. Now, if i have been detuned where i cant broadcast as far, my phone can pick up my "ENERGY" and transmit it to the tower, then it can go back to the "cabal/jews/rothchilds/whatever' and they use it.


Hold on a second. So, to increase the amount of energy they steal from us (the harvest) they need us to produce more. Remember, when life happens we produce emotions. So when someone makes you mad, fearful, and so on, you produce energy. Your fear, your pain, your anger, all energy. So these dirty little shits not only are jacking your energy by the sail fones, but, they are broadcasting FAKE NEWS crap to you to boost the rate of energy they can jack. They cause chaos, school shooting, global warming, traitor president, russian hoax, all that crap, and of course some of it causes financial benefit for some, but the main gambit is that it pisses you off. It makes you angry, or scared, you create more energy, and they steal that shit.

Awake ID: 619a2f Feb. 18, 2018, 12:56 p.m. No.420062   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0125



But in the immortal words of the great Billy Mays "but wait, there's more"… So while they are pushing all this fake news and crap at you to piss you off and make you produce more energy, remember, much of it has a financial value as well. For example, the global warming hoax. Its a huge slush fund right? So someone (one of the dems/jews/cabal/whoever) is profiting off of that. But hold up, its far dirtier than you eve can imagine. They are profiting because money goes into the gloabal warming slush fund. Whos money? Yours muh dude!! Your money, that was jacked from your hard work, as you are only a slave to them. So because you are not making less money by feeding this scam, now you have to work twice as hard, and you live in fear thinking "how the hell am i going to make that mortgage payment" "how they hell do i pay my credit card bill" and that debt slavery causes even more fear, which makes you manufacture even more energy, which is still stolen from you, and they take it and use it for (dont know this yet, hope you all can advise).


Ok but double Billy Mays "But Wait Muh-Dudes, There Is Way Fukin More!" So you know they jacked your energy right, the energy you would get from me right know writing my heart out. You are not getting it, because they are jacking it as i type. (I type, they steal from you) But, they didnt break you entirely, as you can still receive the energy. (or least some of it, on some frequency, at some bandwidth, and some part of the spectrum). You see, though they jacked the energy that im sending to you now, they double fuked you, as they are not sending out their own engery to you. Somethign that they made, manufactured. Its not what your supposed to receive, but something that is designed to keep you pissed off, and in a perpetual rate of pain, suffering ,and fear. So they take what is yours, and feed you something else which also helps you make more of what they take. How do they do this? Well whats that in your pocket my dude? A sail fone? They are feeding it right to you, because you know, everyone has to have one right? But lets say you toss out your phone, well are you not surrounded by wifi everywhere you go? And lets say you bash all those routers apart that are in range of you, well you are surrounded by radio antenna and microwave transmitters. And if you tear them all down, well we got sats over your head and your dumb ass cant even jump that high.


Are you following me anon? Are you pissed off? Dont be, as you are just giving them what they wanted the entire time.


Who beat their gambit? Comon anon, you know, the monks did of course. The monks are at peace, no fear, no emotion, peace in their mind. They arent trying to destroy the cabal, as if they do, they fuel it, they simply tossed down their weapons and provided it no fuel. The solution, perhaps not, but the only answer they had? Remember the phrase that goes something like: "the greatest weapon is no weapon at all". Hmmm, i wonder what that is all about.


So here is what i have (please tell me you are still here anon, i know i write like crap but please tell me you are trying to follow this crap). So like the Matrix, yea, they are using is to manufacture a commodity that they want/need/jerk it too? And you say, who cares right? Because, we anons dont care, what are we going to do with it anyway.

Awake ID: 619a2f Feb. 18, 2018, 12:57 p.m. No.420069   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0087 >>0125 >>0201 >>0365



Well what if that energy is something that we all required to move past this point in our existance? What if our dna had already evolved to the point where we can move on, ascend if you will, but these jack asses are holding us back by stealing our energy so we cannot?


Tesla you say? Who is that? What do you know about him? Didnt he say there was free energy all around us? Wasn't he dicking around with wireless energy, transmission of that energy, and resonate frequencies? (((THEY SAID))): Tesla found the keys to the gate, so we had to change the lock? Yo muh-anon dudes…. What if we require that energy to ascend? What if that energy is what we use to change our resonate frequency. Think layered dimensions? Heaven/Hell, myth? They make sense in a way with layerd dimensions. If we are in the 3d, perhaps hell is beneath us, yet occupying the same space. If we need to get to the 5d, and its occupying the same space but it operates on a different resonate frequency, how do we get there without changing our own resonate frequency? Does the energy that (((THEY))) jacked prevent us from doing this? Did Tesla find the key, the means to get there as a cheat/hack. So if a particular person (think bloodline) is not ready (think dna not yet evolved), well if Tesla found a hack/cheat (via changing resonance) anons could get there who arent ready. What if this world was full of xmen with lazer beams, but they were all obama voters who could not control themselves or their actions. What a mess rigth anon? You need to evolve your dna (your bloodline) after trials and tribunals here, countless tests, and once you do you can ascent. But you need the energy to ascent, and they took it.


We all are stuck here anons, against our wills, and don't even know it.


INB4: "you suck at telling stories and teaching", but hear me anons, im typing my heart out here. Im pretty damn sure i finally put it together.


So…. "Q" old buddy. The message is not ready, i concede that point. Ive tried now for months to wake up some who are are that close to being ready, and i simply get shit on and vilified for attempting to do so. So i agree with you there. But "Q", hear me when i say this: THE MESSAGE IS OUT, and yes brother, I HEAR YOU LOUD AND CLEAR!



Awake ID: 619a2f Feb. 18, 2018, 1:10 p.m. No.420175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0200 >>0375


They became monks because they did not have the weapons to tear it all down, as well as did not want to fuel the fire. I believe that i can (tear it all down, and sadly, fuel the fire in the process).


Id never make a good monk, im full of anger and rage. It seems that the message being delivered now is to tear it all down, as we finally have the resources to do so. Perhaps the monks were simply hanging out, waiting for us to show up.


For the record, i don't much think that becoming a monk is the current answer. I'm at war, always have been. I'm ready to re-up for thee next 1000 years if required.





Awake ID: 619a2f Feb. 18, 2018, 1:15 p.m. No.420219   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0265


Thanks for the clue, do you have any more to offer? I recognize that i need to do the research/study, if there is time left to do so.


Is it only noise that was layered on top, is that why we can no longer receive? Are we capable of receiving the signal if the signal is clear, or were we broken to a point of no return?


What needs to be changed: Do i need to fix the signal itself, human reception, or human transmission?


And the tinnitus?

Awake ID: 619a2f Feb. 18, 2018, 1:31 p.m. No.420402   🗄️.is 🔗kun


You're more than welcome muh-dude. I hope it helps. In the event you need some (help that is) just ask. I dont believe that i was selfish, but i requested knowledge and understanding. Someone/something heard me (likely you, as we are all one) and granted me the means to assemble the pieces that i was sitting on for ages on end.

Awake ID: 619a2f Feb. 18, 2018, 1:42 p.m. No.420531   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My brother: Its layers upon layers upon layers of fukery. Think of watching the most aweful gore flick, and laying it to infinity.


The kids, torturning them, yes, they steal their energy. But they also harvest their bood (resale that for anti-aging) but they harvest organs (constant replacment of parts matching their own bloodline). Obviously some are not killed, some are tortured to shatter. The mind is broken into thosands of peices, each piece programmed with a different personality. Think MK Ultra, its successors and azure. They created slaves that report to the cabal, those slaves then become your MSM reporters. They use apachee/secure drop, are fed their daily programming, they do their job and feed you your shit fake news. Its pisses you off, you respond by creating more energy, and they steal it.


Regarding the Moloch question, the claim is they worship Satan? Who is Satan/Moloch? Is it truly a person/being, or could it be something that was once one of us. Perhaps it made poor decisions, never passed the test here, and was not allowed to ascend even if it had the energy requirement to do so (didnt god kick satan out of the club?). So Satan was stuck here (or beneath us) and spawned this gambit for his own personal gain. (((They))) worship satan right? Is Satan the consumer of the energy? Are (((they))) simply the minions, the machine who harvests it and delivers it to him/it? Does he reward them in a way for doing so?


I wish i had all the answers, all i have is theories and parts of the equation. I continuously plug the variables in, and if they don't work, they fail the test, but when the fit, they just fit. I keep testing them to see if they fail, but if they do not, they must become the answer until they do right?


Remember this: (((THEY))) have all the money (paper) that is imaginable. They will give you all that you wish, and never even want you to pay it back. The (magic) is in the debt. The pain/suffering that is required to pay the debt which is riding over your head. You are (((their))) slave until that debt is repaid, and therefore, the energy created by that debt is sent to them the entire time. Hell, with those terms, im sure they will lend you more whenver you ask. And look at humans, weak minded greedy little shits with way too large egos, they always ask for more now dont they?