Anonymous ID: dd2125 Feb. 18, 2018, 12:35 p.m. No.419897   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9989

from old bread



>Nearly 2 billion people are loyal to the Cult of Rome, or its Protestant subsidiaries, and they require an irrefutable Red Pill before they'll accept the TRUTH. Some never will.


The fury that ensued when we had the "who is [P] discussion verifies this sentence.


Curious thing I was in contact with Maruo Biglino some year ago and had not caught up on where his work is going..listened to an interview with him last night and he was pointedly asked if the Vatican tried to stop him..he said wasn't the upper level of the Vatican…but he's gotten endless death threats from "laypeople"…who are absolutely terrified of having their "reality' shattered..rather than looking they're doubling down.


Have you looked into Andrew Gough's work on the BEE? Do suggest….might open more avenues.


FACT..anyone who can read HEBREW knows the commonly accepted translation of Genesis and Exodus is a flat out lie…that is the story of ONE group of people…not the story of the others…the story of the people of Enil…The Sumerian texts are the story of the people of Enki…the people of Enil were developed specifically to wipe out the people of Enki. The stories obviously intersect at certain points but they are the stories of TWO different peoples…Enil's people were so ordered to go about wiping out the people of Enki..this happened after the return..after the cataclysm did ENIL get JEALOUS that the people of Enki were not wiped out…so he set about doing it himself…why do people historically hate/fear (((THEM)))? Genetic memory is's science…they were ordered to kill everyone…man woman and child, not to leave anyone alive…estimated body count in OT alone is 28 MILLION….because you couldn't tell by "looking" they just killed everyone…


Genesis and Exodus make it clear..when translated symbol by symbol instead of the "accepted" translation which ADDED vowels and punctuation because it didn't "make sense" those of (((THEM))) initiated into this…know this…that;s why marrying each other is key…that's why the bloodline myth started…if you pay careful attention to this you will discover that at some point The Annuaki decided it was a very bad idea to tinker…and stopped doing it…and the gene pool diverged…diluted…over time.


The womb is very important to the cult religions..remember this…if ONE falls, they all fall…because they were built on each other.


It's important to study other ancient texts..the Vedas verify Genesis and Exodus…these people had their OWN tinkerer…but that story intersects with Enki / Enil…African elder credo mutwa tells the story of THEIR genetic tinkering…their story intersects…we are NOT all the same…even CHINA (Dropa people) has a story…we were kept separate for a reason. The DNA results on the Paracas people verifies…why are (((THEY))) so interested in trying to make us believe we are all the same, pushing interracial mixing for everyone but themselves???


THINK. DILUTION…THINK..what remains..THINK mastery, control…..

Anonymous ID: dd2125 Feb. 18, 2018, 12:55 p.m. No.420051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0185

old bread


I think parallel construction applies also to this..the Genesis and Exodus are the story of ONE people…created by ENIL and deposited post cataclysm specifically to destroy the people of Enki..Genesis / Exodus also makes it clear there were "others" already here when they popped up (who did Cain marry eh?) The Vedas, the Sumerian Texts, the Gensis and Exodus, the oral history of the indigenous people..easiest to access is Credo Mutwa..the Chinese history (Dropa people) makes it clear there were quite a few experimenters…stories intersect when world events like the cataclysm which sent them surrying…but they are NOT the same, we are NOT the same…that is why the allegory of the tower of Babylon…is valid…that is why (((THEY))) only marry each other…does everyone of them know this? of course not..but a good many follow the directives / traditions..(((THEY))) were created specifically to wipe out the genetic tinkering of the others.


THESE ENTITIES are not "GODS" Genesis and Exodous make this clear…the Universal LOVE is "god" and this force visited and told Enki (just prior to the cataclysm) that it was not permissible for him to wipe out his creations (which he had originally agreed to do to satisfy the JEALOUS Enil) because they were now a part of him (ensouled). Enki complied and set about stashing them in places around the world HIGH places so they would not be wiped out. When ENIL discovered that ENKI had broken his promise he set about making his own…(some say where they hid out) and deposited on earth with specific instructions to KILL EVERY MAN WOMAN AND CHILD who did not love HIM…


THIS directive to wipe out competing "bloodlines" is ancient…the story of only TWO of them…Enki and Enil…there's more.

Anonymous ID: dd2125 Feb. 18, 2018, 12:57 p.m. No.420072   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Can "X" be SCOPOLAMINE, blocks a person's ability to form memories, and temporarily inhibits his ability to make free will choices


See VICE video on Devil's Breath.


the answer is yes…and there's nothing one can do about it…

Anonymous ID: dd2125 Feb. 18, 2018, 1:17 p.m. No.420245   🗄️.is 🔗kun

reposting on new bread





>>I watched Q’s post on the electromagnetic signals and thought I’d add my own take on it.




>>Electromagnetic signals can produce significant effects of the human psyche.


>Thank you for such a coherent post. Recently the Schumann resonance has been going nuts…humans are 'wired' to harmonize with the earth and it's been going nuts




>some fools think this is a good thing…this is misinfo..see video for evidence on the "nuts' bit but it's not a good thing.


>Also the earth's magnetosphere has been depleted..see astraltravelers jewtube channel for education on this…he does a fantastic job breaking it down and presenting the evidence for normies.




>ALL these things affect humans and the "cabal' effort to manipulate and control it is …


>frequency is life life is frequency..if you don't know about Spooky2 give that a look..experimental rife/quantum entanglement…and NOT expensive (see cost for even cheap ass rife…2k-30k and depends on contact) and constantly evolving based on user discoveries…people all over the world working and experimenting with this…I call it original medicine (see ancient Egyptian carvings of the rods and "purse" but it is also mentioned in ancient Asian wisdom of which I shall omit the name due to…)


>But the big thing right NOW is the effect of the electromagnetic force depletion on the humans (see solar flares/CME…again redpill on Astral Traveler.cannot recommend him enough…)


>Part of what the cabal is doing is based on ensuring their own survival..but the effects are causing things to be even worse…think bad science..just because we can (gene editing) doesn't mean we should..unintended consequence.


>I see endless people complaining of vertigo, ear ringing and other earth-based disorders and they're being convinced it's something else like the government targeting them..


>Right now the energy is insane. What THEY are doing is making things much worse…they are causing this…scientific "curiosity" is running rampant and they will end up blowing us the fuck up if they are not stopped…from playing with Nature and natural forces they cannot control.


>They ARE messing with electromagnetic forces…but they've zero concept of how that stuff is messing up the earth's natural forces and they are seriously seriously messing it up.


>Ancient wisdom passed generation to generation…we already knew about planetary displacement, we already knew about crustal displacement (to science merely theory…it's NOT theory) the 5th "creation" is not theory either.


>These people MUST be stopped.


>Spooky is developed and studied by volunteers..sold at manufacturing cost and tech kept secret to prevent theft and having it sold for BIG BUCKS…also to prevent gov. from stepping in and shutting it down.


>Thanks again for posting from a strictly scientific POV…but all things are interconnected…as above so below, as on micro as on macro.

Anonymous ID: dd2125 Feb. 18, 2018, 1:18 p.m. No.420258   🗄️.is 🔗kun




> Is this related?


>"Sudden Stratospheric Warming Event" Fractures The Polar Vortex In Two”





Anonymous ID: dd2125 Feb. 18, 2018, 1:31 p.m. No.420403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0421


Yes…but each time Q tries to "go there" the same laypeople threatening to murder Mauro…start in on the panic…they do not realize that they send their energy aka prayers in the "wrong direction'


great hindi movie about dialing the wrong number..PK…Hindu people took it as an assault on Hindu religion but it's not…it's a message to EVERYONE about dialing the wrong just uses Hindu as vehicle…


You can find and watch with subtitles online (cough) it's a wonderful redpill awakening movie…what if everyone is "dialing the wrong number" when they search for god?

Anonymous ID: dd2125 Feb. 18, 2018, 1:37 p.m. No.420470   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>"JOSHUA was a weapon captured from the Germans which was capable of


>shattering 4-inch-thick armor plate at a range of two miles


PRO TIP…look into the Battle of Jericho and how JOSHUA destroyed the city with what is now theorized to have been a frequency weapon…aka ark of covenant.

Anonymous ID: dd2125 Feb. 18, 2018, 1:40 p.m. No.420502   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>David Icke's theories seem to make sense besides the reptilian people

David Icke got his "information" while drinking Ayahuasca…an earth plant medicine that is designed to aid a person in KNOWING themselves…plastic shaman sell, white people PAY to drink it…and they believe the stuff they see is an outside force…rather than representations of self…too long to explain but David icke got fucked up because of plastic shaman and bad he believes what he saw is outside forces…


we originally had a reptilian self / brain ect…he just doesn't understand..he makes MILLIONS selling this…so…nope.

Anonymous ID: dd2125 Feb. 18, 2018, 1:44 p.m. No.420563   🗄️.is 🔗kun


see bombards body language video on the shooting witnesses…this guy was the last one…and she basically said he's a psychopath…or a budding psychopath…she was trying to wrap her head around why his reaction / interview was so dramatically different…he's a budding journalist..she said that might be why..but she mostly stuck to budding psychopath.

Anonymous ID: dd2125 Feb. 18, 2018, 1:46 p.m. No.420573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0620


>Steven Spielberg once said,

he's a MAJOR player in the hollywood pedo world…and likely the murderer of Heather Rourke…CNDN exposed the story of her murder…but he's ass deep in pedowood.

Anonymous ID: dd2125 Feb. 18, 2018, 1:49 p.m. No.420625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0655


>Highlights include the fact that the Jewish people went through WW2 right before


FACT…zionist activists were forcing Palestinians (aka real semetic jews) from their land before WWII (search out "A Soldier's Story" use key words like zionist world war II you may be able to find it..the online ADL keeps deleting it…POWRFUL documentary




redpill yourself..


Rabbis convinced jews to get on the train…to them the deaths was a means to an end…


SO Hitler actually HELPED the Jews.


What was the end result of this story post WWII?




What did the Jews want BEFORE WWII?