So… Comey did what we all expected him to… his little version of "obstruction".
When's Lynch up to bat?
So… Comey did what we all expected him to… his little version of "obstruction".
When's Lynch up to bat?
So… Whitaker was just there to Mucci Rosenstein?
Oh please.
I've "totally talked to" Seth Rich, Assange, Lamo, and Lamo's son, amongst others.
TFW when you could be an Albatross with a Llama in your Living Room.
Say that to my face in hyperspace.
Apparently he already #BASTA'd on the child support…
I find it odd how many people never question what "Trust Sessions" are.
Could you imagine his delivery while naming off folks and their crimes?
I'd be so fine with that.
"Several hundred high-school students marched in Paris Friday amid a nationwide protest against the French government's fiscal policies. Tensions rose after amateur video showed more than 150 students arrested outside of Paris. (Dec. 7) – The Associated Press"
Also… antifags are trying to blend in with the French…
Still carrying their Soros mandated hammer'n'sickle and assaulting trash cans.
If anyone speaks frog…
Whatever happened to Nelly Ohr?
Molly = Ecstasy or Sass, depending on who you ask.