Anonymous ID: 0c3f39 Dec. 7, 2018, 12:28 p.m. No.4201683   🗄️.is 🔗kun

More of the newly released MKUltra docs

This is very interesting

I wrote it out since it's hard to read at some points


Some Psychoenergetic Devices




This report constitutes a more detailed account of the psychoenergetic devices and experiments investigated during a recent (redacted) fact-finding trip to Russia. As such, it is an extension of the (redacted) written concerning the trip rather than a substitute report. For a complete picture of the information received during this trip, both reports are necessary. Since it was felt that many people would not be interested in the details of these devices and experiments, two reports have been written.

The present report deals with three topics: (1) Kirlian photography, (2) Acupuncture points and the Tobiscope and (3) Telekinesis (PK) experiments and field detectors.


Technical Data


(I skipped the first two)


  1. Telekinesis (PK)


They find that the placing of a film on Nelya K's head during the PK experiment leads to the p??????? of a large exposed spot on the film. They also find that film exposure occurs if the film is placed under the object used in a PK experiment. In addition, the film may also be exposed after the experiment due to a residual charge of some sort on the object. We heard that Nelya K actually caused a frog's heart to stop (and that it then could not be started again electrically). We also learned that she can influence the heart rhythm of other people and can alter their skin condition so as to produce a burning feeling on contact. They have found that hypnosis can be used to enhance PK abilities and that autogenic training was used to help increase (Alis V) PK abilities. It was also stated that Nelya K cannot move objects if they are in a vacuum and that after the levitation of a small ball in air, an electrostatic charge of 5 x 10^5 coulombs was found on the ball.

It was not possible to obtain any specific information concerning the Sergeyev detector of pulsating magnetic fields in the vicinity of the PK object. However, it is likely to be the detection of a magnetic field using a sensing element of the barium titanate variety. It was learned that plants make even better detectors of the PK fields, when electrodes are applied to two acupuncture points of the plant. Using 5 mm diameter electrodes of Ni and Ag, they obtain about 50 mv between two points which is amplified. During a PK experiment, current pulses occur which change from 5 mA ambient to over 100 mA at the pulse peak (see Fig. 15).

They have not fully studied the distribution of field strength between the operator and object during PK and find it to be a difficult question. The field intensity does increase as one reaches the object but probably not in the radiation type code illustrated in Fig. 16. They don't know what type of field pattern exists on the other side of the object ??? ???? to think that the force is somehow just manifest in the vicinity of the object without tangible interventing field linkages between the operator and object. In the case of the rolling cylinder used in the PK experiment by Alis V, ???????? thinks that a charge dipole forms, as illustrated in Fig. 17, which gives a moment such that one could move the object in either direction depending on how one held his hand. [This is not clear to me either.]


Document (21 pages):

Anonymous ID: 0c3f39 Dec. 7, 2018, 12:45 p.m. No.4201963   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Another anon also pointed out that b1 = "Exemption 1: Information that is classified to protect national security."