Anonymous ID: 0d49c2 Dec. 7, 2018, 12:54 p.m. No.4202070   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Newfag to 8chan, I came here from Voat, so fuck off if I get some formatting wrong and don't get the lingo right (I don't want to hear about that shit, read the information) I also want don't want to hear about the namefagging that's about to happen, I have no other way to prove this info.


I'm just going to post the threads that I've posted over there. The proof is in them that Voat is compromised and they're attempting to control the narrative and divide the anons.


1) ← this one is the archive because I deleted the OP to stop the brigading of users in it. Original -


2) ← This one needs a bitcoin fag to confirm the amount in the wallet, someone mentioned that site could be including other wallets not affiliated with voats. The rest of the info is fact.






Can we get some help from BO by deleting the bullshit that's sliding all the good threads? They delete shit in their subs all the time if it doesn't follow the rules of the sub. There's constant tranny porn and ridiculous shit getting posted in there.


I also have info that admin is involved, but I have no way to prove it because the post was made in QRV. We decided to test admin by creating an alt under my IP (Fucked In The Head) read the bio. I then got this reply to a comment I made in QRV See the comment, but the OP is a good example of the shit (literally) threads we're dealing with.