Anonymous ID: 28b109 Dec. 7, 2018, 12:33 p.m. No.4201768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1790 >>1846



A collective consciousness centered around Venus entered our solar system when Venus traveled here from Orion and upset the Earth's orbiting of Saturn. The intelligence of Venus incarnated on Earth as the Rh- Nephillim.

The phoenicians were descendants of canaanites, nephillim, David and others were likely actually Canaanite.

Venus is Lucifer, Mithra, Prometheus, Malek Tawuas, Christ, The Morning Star, Osirus


It has been a disinformation campaign to associate Lucifer with Satan.

Lucifer = Venus

Satan = Saturn

Yaweh = Jupiter

Anonymous ID: 28b109 Dec. 7, 2018, 12:43 p.m. No.4201927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2010


It is complicated, history is odd and nebulous.

Sumerian stories predate Jewish ones. Babylonian as well.


Some of these stories sound a lot like science fiction, much of it much be taken with discretion of course. I don't take anything at face value.


However, many ancient peoples seem to have similar, perhaps Phoenician derived story about newcomers coming to Earth and some new intelligence arriving with Venus.


Velikovsky has theories about an alternate Solar System configuration, there's material out there about how astral events may have influenced our mythologies greatly.


One think I think is certain is that Christ identifies himself with the word of God, the Logos and Venus/Lucifer which would make me think that Lucifer is an angel meant to illuminate the truth.


Satan, is a member of the heavenly host (Think Elohim, or actually, think the "heavenly bodies")

Satan stands in contrast to Jehova, accusing Job and standing in Opposition to Christ. That is Saturn's job, the opposer and Lord of physical creation.


Yeah, it's weird.

Anonymous ID: 28b109 Dec. 7, 2018, 12:52 p.m. No.4202051   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I believe "Lucifer" is perhaps "The Word" or "The Logos" which can be thought of as an emanation of consciousness closer to that of the divine.


So this would be more of a thought pattern than an individual. Lets also say "Christ Consciousness" may be Lucifer.


The Peacock Angel is a fascinating key in all this.


Evil people interpret EVERYTHING in an Evil way. Anything beautiful, well meaning, they reinterpret it to be terrible