Anonymous ID: 655b17 Dec. 7, 2018, 12:52 p.m. No.4202046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2058

WAPO - The Mueller investigation is about to turn into a flood.


Earlier this week, there was yet another drip in the special counsel investigation. This time, Robert S. Mueller III’s team recommended no prison time for President Trump’s disgraced former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, because he was so cooperative in several ongoing investigations.


That revelation, which came in the form of a heavily redacted court filing, provided some crucial new pieces of information. Flynn sat down for 19 separate interviews with investigators at the Department of Justice. It doesn’t take a D.C. insider to realize that if investigators ask you to meet them 19 different times, you’re providing them with crucial evidence. That’s bad news for Trump. But how bad? We don’t know, and we won’t know, until the next tantalizing detail emerges.


The Flynn filing reflects how the Mueller investigation has relentlessly percolated, providing information to the public with methodical precision rather than releasing it in a single deluge. In the age of Trump, every news story competes for attention against the latest outrageous Trump tweet, lie or bizarre statement. Each drip of the Mueller investigation recaptures the public’s attention. But it’ll take a flood to sweep Trump out of office.

