Anonymous ID: 46f1a8 Dec. 7, 2018, 1:09 p.m. No.4202292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2320 >>2362 >>2441 >>2599 >>2650



Does our Bible not say, "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee", in Revelations 3:9?


We must be wise as serpents, Amen?


Most of Israel's inhabitants today (over 80%) have ZERO genetic ties to ancient Hebrews. Most "Israelites" today, if you can even call them that, are of Turkic-descent. With the majority coming from the region of Khazaria, today known as Kazakstan. Do you know what Khazars are known for? (See images below)


Did not Satan say he would try make himself "like the most high" in our Bible? Not too far of a stretch to assume the "synagogue of satan" would attempt to be "like God's chosen people".


The House of Saud (Donmeh Jews)

An interesting and mysterious group. But for brevity, let's just say they're basically Baal-worshipping, Khazars, forced to convert to Judaism, then later forced to convert to Islam, but never really converted from Baal-Worship/Babylonian Talmud. You know one… Prince Awaleed Bin Talal. Caught, but released… He owned the 2 top-floors of the hotel the Vegas shooter committed the largest shooting in mass history out of. Under our President's watch, no less.


What is a Semite?

Semite = Arabs and Jews. Not all bad. But this doesn't matter to us… WHY? Because we KNOW THEM BY THE FRUITS OF THEIR LABOR anyway. Remember, we didn't go looking for "Jews" and find criminal activity. We investigated criminal activity and found "Jews".



At the risk of being branded an anti-Semite (if I haven't been already), I'll just provide some search-terms and leave it at that:


  • USS Liberty

  • Lavon Affair

  • Medal Of Honor (Not US) for Participation in Lavon Affair (2005)

  • 9/11 (Larry Silverstein)

  • "Dancing Israelis 9/11"

  • "Mossad, pulled-over, explosives, 9/11"


Saudi Arabia:

SA is currently in an oil-predicament, to quote Bob McNally:

“If they orchestrate a high-profile Opec-plus cut that boosts Brent crude back up towards $70 they risk Trump’s wrath,” he says. “[But] if Riyadh bends entirely to Trump’s will and keeps production at record levels, an inventory glut will return and the bottom will fall out of crude prices.”


Bill Barr:

We all know George W. Bush was President during 9/11. His Attorney General was Bill Barr, coincidentally just reappointed by our current president. Hmmmm…



Whom appears to be America's strongest ally, if you only watch conservative news and listen to the President? Obviously, Israel, right? Our President was even willing to graciously pledge YOUR unwavering support for Israel, while lobbying at AIPAC, as well. You were not asked, when he did it again, either…


Now, our president has formed an alliance with Kazakhstan? This after fawning over Israel and empowering Saudi Arabia's military to the tune of hundreds of billions in weaponry? While my state of NY, his home state, rots under the leadership of… (What should I call them, Khazarian-impostors? "Jews"? Turks? What?) Think, Chuck Schumer, Gov. "America was never great" Cuomo, NXIVM-fan Kirsten "The future is female" Gillibrand, Alexandria "O-Crazyo" Cortez, etc…


Something is not right here… WHERE IS OUR WALL? WHERE ARE THE ARRESTS FOR PEOPLE LIKE HILLARY CLINTON? I could go on and on…


Brothers and sister, I suspect we've been had… And I believe we need to come together now, more than ever, as Christians. Pray for Americans and their children to have a future. We may soon have to fight for it.


We must secure the existence of our people and a future for Christian children.