Anonymous ID: 2476cc Dec. 7, 2018, 3:48 p.m. No.4204450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4476 >>4816 >>4980 >>5031


Mueller Drops Sentencing Memo On Former Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen. Here Are 5 Things You Need To Know.


On Friday afternoon, two major memos regarding President Trump’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, dropped. The first concerned the Mueller investigation’s recommended sentencing for Cohen in light of Cohen’s repeated untruths as well as his testimony to the Mueller investigation; the second concerned the Southern District of New York’s recommended sentencing for Cohen in light of his testimony regarding President Trump’s campaign and payoffs to women including Stormy Daniels.


Here’s what you need to know about the Mueller sentencing memo.


  1. Mueller Smacks Cohen. Mueller begins by stating that Cohen’s “crime was serious.” According to the special counsel’s office (SCO), Cohen “withheld information material to the investigations of Russia interference in the 2016 US presidential election.” The SCO memo says that Cohen’s lies were “deliberate and premeditated,” were not spontaneous, and began in a “written submission.”


  1. Mueller Is Focusing In On Cohen’s Lies About Moscow Business. According to the memo, Cohen “lied to Congress about a business project (the ‘Moscow Project’) that he worked on during the 2016 presidential campaign,” while working for the Trump Company and for Trump personally. The goal of such lies was allegedly to “minimize links between the Moscow Project and Individual 1 [Trump],” and to “give the false impression that the Moscow Project had ended before the Iowa caucus and the first presidential primaries, in hopes of limiting the ongoing Russia investigations being conducted by Congress and the SCO.”


According to Mueller, Cohen’s lies “obscured the fact that the Moscow Project was a lucrative business opportunity that sought, and likely required, the assistance of the Russian government. If the project was completed, the Company could have received hundreds of millions of dollars from Russian sources in licensing fees and other revenues.” Mueller says that Cohen worked on the project and discussed it with Trump “well into the campaign,” and adds that Cohen, “during the campaign, had a substantive telephone call about the project with an assistant to the press secretary for the President of Russia.”


Mueller says that Cohen would have benefitted from the deal, and in a footnote, points out that Trump had personally approved reaching out to Russia before a meeting with Putin during Putin’s visit to the United Nations in 2015.


  1. Mueller Is Suspicious Of Other Russian Reach-Outs. According to the memo, “The defendant also provided information about attempts by other Russian nationals to reach the campaign. For example, in or around November 2015, Cohen received the contact information for, and spoke with, a Russian national who claimed to be a ‘trusted person’ in the Russian Federation who could offer the campaign ‘political synergy’ and ‘synergy on a government level.” That person wanted to meet with Trump, and told Cohen that the meeting could have a “phenomenal” impact “not only in political but in a business dimension as well.” Cohen didn’t follow up on that particular reach-out.


  1. There Are Other Figures Who Will Come Into Play Soon. The memo suggests that Cohen provided information “concerning his contacts with persons connected to the White House during the 2017-2018 time period.” Presumably, these people could include Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, and Jerome Corsi.


  1. There Is No Allegation That Trump Broke The Law. The “Moscow Project” does not mean that Trump actually violated the law by doing business with the Russians during the election. It means Cohen lied about it, and Mueller is suspicious of a quid pro quo. Those suspicions are obvious from Mueller’s language: “Cohen admitted that he had lied to Congress and to the SCO about the Moscow Project. He provided detailed information about the true circumstances of the Moscow Project, including its duration, the persons involved in the discussions, contacts with Russian government officials, and discussions during the first half of 2016 about the possibility of travel to Russia in connection with the Moscow Project.”


Cohen’s testimony could be damaging to Trump – but he’s provided more dots that require connections. Those dots haven’t yet been connected, but it’s easy to see why Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani is concerned that Mueller may believe Trump lied to the FBI about the Trump Tower meeting, given Mueller’s obvious belief that Trump was warm to Russian well in advance of the 2016 election.

Anonymous ID: 2476cc Dec. 7, 2018, 3:49 p.m. No.4204464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4680

NE - ‘Anti-Christ’’ Principal Suspended for Banning Christmas Decors in School


NE - ‘Anti-Christ’’ Principal Suspended for Banning Christmas Decors in School


One elementary school principal in Nebraska apparently did not believe in Jesus Christ being a part of Christmas and so went about imposing her beliefs to the students by banning Christmas decorations from the classrooms that are closely associated with Jesus including Christmas trees, Santas, and even eye candy canes simply because they symbolize “J” for Jesus.


Principal Jennifer Sinclair even went out of her way to write a letter and send it to the teachers at Manchester Elementary outlining to them a supposed “new policy” on religious holiday decorations. Sinclair even listed down a list of “acceptable items” that students and teachers can choose to decorate their respective classrooms, while making a separate list for items that are not “acceptable practices.”


Under the principal’s self-imposed list, allowable Christmas decors include religious-neutral items as snowmen, penguins and symbols of other holidays from around the globe.


Sinclair even justified her move of banning traditional Christmas decors by saying that her move was “culturally inclusive to all students.”


The school district admitted that Sinclair imposed the said ban without bothering to consult administrators about the so-called new policy.


Sinclar even signed the memo she sent to teachers as “Unintentional Grinch who stole Christmas from Manchester.


Well, apparently the principal will not get away with imposing her Christmas views on students and teachers. She has since been placed on administrative leave following her actions.


Liberty Counsel’s founder, Mat Staver, was ready to file a suit against the school had they not responded decisively. Staver argues that Sinclair’s list violates teachers’ First Amendment rights and also violates school district policy.


School issues were quick to clarify that Sinclair’s memo “did not reflect the policy of Elkhorn Public Schools.”


It is not yet known how long will the principal be on leave.

Anonymous ID: 2476cc Dec. 7, 2018, 3:50 p.m. No.4204482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4495 >>4595 >>4816 >>4980 >>5031

Huawei Executive Had at Least 7 Passports From China, Hong Kong - Court Files


According to Canadian court documents, Huawei operated Skycom Tech Co LTD as an unofficial subsidiary to conduct business in Iran, Reuters reported Friday.


In particular, Skycom bank accounts were controlled by Huawei employees, court documents revealed. In turn, Skycom chiefs in Iran were employed by Huawei.


The media report also said, citing the Canadian court documents, that a certain financial institution and its subsidiary office in the US cleared more than $100 million of transactions related to Skycom through the United States between 2010 and 2014. Evidence also showed that Skycom was sold in 2009, not to an unrelated entity but to one also controlled by Huawei until at least 2014.


According to Reuters, Huawei tried to obstruct the investigation by moving out of the US any Chinese national employees who may be potential witnesses regarding company's operations in Iran. Moreover, US authorities believe that Huawei's top managers began avoiding travel to the US around April 2017 after becoming aware of the US criminal probe.


A New York court issued an arrest warrant for Huawei Technologies' Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou on August 22, asking she be detained to stand trial for US charges, Reuters said, citing documents released during her bail hearing in Canada on Friday.

Anonymous ID: 2476cc Dec. 7, 2018, 3:54 p.m. No.4204532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4554 >>4631 >>4816 >>4980 >>5031

DOD OIG Says Air Force Missed 4 Opportunities To Report Texas Church Shooter To FBI


The Department of Defense Office of The Inspector General revealed in an investigative report Thursday the U.S. Air Force (USAF) failed to submit the Sutherland Spring, Texas, shooter’s criminal information into the FBI database four separate times.


“Specifically, we determined that the USAF had four opportunities to collect and submit Kelley’s fingerprints to the FBI CJIS Division and two opportunities to submit his final disposition report to the FBI CJIS Division, as required, but never did so,” the report says.


Gunman Devin Kelley murdered 26 and injured 20 others, including infants, in November 2017 at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, following a shooting rampage. Kelley was subsequently shot twice, by nearby resident Stephen Willeford, as he left the church to flee into his SUV. Kelley was later found dead along with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to his head.


It was later discovered Kelley purchased his firearms legally but should have been prohibited from doing so, as he was found guilty in 2012 Military court of assaulting his then-wife Tessa Brennaman and fracturing his stepson’s skull.


According to the OIG’s report, the USAF failed to submit Kelley’s fingerprints and final disposition report to the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division. This information would have been included in the FBI databases after Kelley was convicted of a crime of domestic violence by a USAF General Court-Martial.


“The USAF’s failure to submit Kelley’s fingerprints and final disposition information allowed Kelley to pass the federally mandated background checks and to purchase four firearms from Federal Firearms Licensed (FFL) dealers,” the OIG report states.


Kelley used three of those four firearms during his shooting massacre at the small Texas church late last year.


The OIG found through their investigation that that numerous organizations and individuals in the USAF did not enter Kelley’s fingerprints or final disposition report to the FBI CJIS Division and listed the four times the USAF had the opportunity to collect Kelley’s fingerprints.


In June 2011, Kelley was interviewed by the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) following the assault of his stepson. The OIG says AFOSI agents collected Kelley’s fingerprints and although there was “probable cause that Kelley committed the assault” the fingerprints were never submitted by the agents.


Report of Investigation into the United States Air Force’s Failure to Submit Devin Kelley’s Criminal History Information to the Federal Bureau of Investigation

Anonymous ID: 2476cc Dec. 7, 2018, 3:56 p.m. No.4204554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4630 >>4816 >>4980 >>5031


Air Force Failed To Report DOZENS Of Criminals To Firearm Database


Texas church shooter Devin Kelley was just one of “several dozen” criminals who are allowed to purchase firearms because the Air Force failed to report them to the FBI.


An Air Force spokeswoman announced progress in a review of Air Force cases like Kelley’s, saying “so far we’ve corrected several dozen records,” CNN reported Tuesday. Kelley was convicted of domestic battery and was discharged from the military, but the Air Force failed to report his crime to the FBI, a step that could have prevented him from purchasing the Ruger AR-556 he used to kill 26 people and injure 20 more in a Texas church Nov. 5.


“Although policies and procedures requiring reporting were in place, training and compliance measures were lacking,” an Air Force statement read.


Teams of investigators “are aggressively working to ensure 100 percent compliance,” the statement continued. The Air Force has devoted two task forces of 30 personnel to conducting the review, which is expected to take several more months. They will likely uncover dozens more cases like Kelley’s, in addition to those they’ve already corrected.


The Daily Caller News Foundation previously found that the military had only reported a single Kelley-like crime to the FBI, as of November 2017.


“The Department of Defense submits all Dishonorable Discharges to the NICS Indices for the Air Force, as well as for the Army, Navy, and Marines. DoD submits these monthly. As of 10/31/2017, there were 11,189 Dishonorable Discharge entries made by the DoD. As of 11/6/17, there are 2,248 Dishonorable Discharge entries and 1 Mental Health entry from the Air Force within the NICS Indices. The DoD also has 1 entry for a felony conviction and 1 for Mental Health,” FBI spokesman Stephen G. Fischer Jr. said in a statement to TheDCNF.

Anonymous ID: 2476cc Dec. 7, 2018, 3:57 p.m. No.4204575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4608 >>4611 >>4616 >>4719 >>4816 >>4980 >>5031

CRIMINAL ACT: Democrat Ocasio-Cortez Broke 42 US Code § 1983 By Threatening Donald Trump Jr. with Retaliation Over Snarky Meme


On Friday Donald Trump Jr. mocked dimwitted Socialist Alexandrea Ocasio-Cortez on Instagram with a popular meme that is going around social media.


Ocasio-Cortez: Why are you so afraid of a socialist economy?

President Trump: Because Americans want to walk their dogs, not eat them.


It appears Ocasio-Cortez broke federal law by threatening a US citizen with retaliation for snarky tweets.


You can’t use the power of the law to get back at people for their Instagram memes, Alexandria!


According to — 42 U.S. Code § 1983 – Civil action for deprivation of rights


Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress, except that in any action brought against a judicial officer for an act or omission taken in such officer’s judicial capacity, injunctive relief shall not be granted unless a declaratory decree was violated or declaratory relief was unavailable. For the purposes of this section, any Act of Congress applicable exclusively to the District of Columbia shall be considered to be a statute of the District of Columbia.


(R.S. § 1979; Pub. L. 96–170, § 1, Dec. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 1284; Pub. L. 104–317, title III, § 309(c), Oct. 19, 1996, 110 Stat. 3853.)

Anonymous ID: 2476cc Dec. 7, 2018, 3:59 p.m. No.4204605   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ICE arrests 105 in New Jersey operation targeting criminal aliens and public safety threats


NEWARK, N.J. — Four individuals in the country illegally who have Interpol warrants based on crimes they committed in their home countries were among 105 foreign nationals taken into custody during a five-day operation conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) last week in New Jersey. The operation, which was spearheaded by ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO), targeted at-large criminal aliens, illegal re-entrants and other immigration violators and was supported by ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) New Jersey Field Office.


Of those arrested during the operation, 80 percent had prior criminal convictions and/or pending criminal charges.

“These outstanding results, which were made possible by our officers and law enforcement partners, highlight the tremendous commitment that ICE ERO has to public safety throughout the state,” said John Tsoukaris, Field Office Director of ERO Newark. “Our focus has been and will continue to be on arrests of illegal aliens who have been convicted of serious crimes or those who pose a threat to public safety.”


These individuals will go through removal proceedings before an Immigration Judge or for those under a final order of removal, arrangements will be made to remove them from the U.S.


The individuals arrested throughout New Jersey were nationals of Brazil (6), Canada (1), Colombia (1), Costa Rica (1), Cuba (2), Dominican Republic (10), Ecuador (4), Egypt (1), El Salvador (8), Guatemala (13), Honduras (7), Jamaica (4), Korea (2), Mexico (28), Peru (4), Philippines (1), Poland (1), Russia (1), Serbia (1), Slovakia (2), Spain (1), Taiwan (1), Trinidad (1), and Venezuela (4).


These individuals were arrested in the following counties in New Jersey: Atlantic (1), Bergen (4), Burlington (1), Camden (1), Essex (6), Gloucester (2), Hudson (24), Hunterdon (1), Mercer (12), Middlesex (10), Monmouth (14), Morris (3), Ocean (2), Passaic (11), Somerset (1), and Union (10). Also, two (2) individuals were arrested in New York. They range from age 18 to 65 years old and most were previously convicted of a variety of offenses. Some of the convictions included sexual assault on a minor, child abuse, possession of narcotics, distribution of narcotics, extortion, DUI, fraud, domestic violence, theft, possession of a weapon, robbery, promoting prostitution, aggravated assault, resisting arrest, endangering the welfare of a child, credit card fraud, insurance fraud, shoplifting and illegal reentry.

Anonymous ID: 2476cc Dec. 7, 2018, 4:01 p.m. No.4204638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4816 >>4980 >>5031

Weekly Update: Big Court Victory on Clinton Emails


Judicial Watch Victory: Court Orders Discovery into Clinton Email Scandal


I have said all along that, in their delaying, blocking, and obfuscating our attempts to get to the truth about Hillary Clinton’s email, the Justice and State Departments have been acting in bad faith by defending the evasion of the Freedom of Information Act and other email misconduct by Hillary Clinton.


Now, a federal judge is questioning their motives, as well, and ordering them to join us in rectifying this miscarriage of justice.


In a ruling excoriating both the U.S. Departments of State and Justice, U.S. District Court Judge Royce C. Lamberth has ordered both agencies to join us in submitting a proposed schedule for discovery into whether Hillary Clinton sought to evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by using a private email system and whether the State Department acted in “bad faith” by failing to disclose knowledge of the email system.


The decision comes in our FOIA lawsuit related to the Benghazi terrorist attack.


Specially, Judge Lamberth ruled:


… the Court ORDERS the parties to meet and confer to plan discovery into (a) whether Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email while Secretary of State was an intentional attempt to evade FOIA; (b) whether the State Department’s attempts to settle this case in late 2014 and early 2015 amounted to bad faith; and (c) whether State has adequately searched for records responsive to Judicial Watch’s requests.


Terming Clinton’s use of her private email system, “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency,” Judge Lamberth wrote in his MEMORANDUM OPINION:


… his [President Barack Obama’s] State and Justice Departments fell far short. So far short that the court questions, even now, whether they are acting in good faith. Did Hillary Clinton use her private email as Secretary of State to thwart this lofty goal [Obama announced standard for transparency]? Was the State Department’s attempt to settle this FOIA case in 2014 an effort to avoid searching – and disclosing the existence of – Clinton’s missing emails? And has State ever adequately searched for records in this case?

Anonymous ID: 2476cc Dec. 7, 2018, 4:04 p.m. No.4204669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4816 >>4980 >>5031

Chinese state media says US is trying to contain Huawei


BEIJING • The United States is trying to stifle Chinese technology company Huawei and curb its global expansion with the arrest of a top executive, Chinese state media has said.


Huawei Technologies chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou, the 46-year-old daughter of the company’s founder, was detained in Canada last Saturday, the same day United States President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping dined together at the Group of 20 summit in Buenos Aires.


The official China Daily said yesterday in an editorial there was still “no telling” on what grounds she had been detained, and that it seemed to be part of US plans to pressure its allies not to use Huawei goods.


“But one thing that is undoubtedly true and proven is the US is trying to do whatever it can to contain Huawei’s expansion in the world simply because the company is the point man for China’s competitive technology companies,” it said.

Anonymous ID: 2476cc Dec. 7, 2018, 4:05 p.m. No.4204682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4816 >>4980 >>5031

Flynn Drops the Hammer on Washington Post Reporter: “You Are an Accomplice to a Crime” Against Trump

Anonymous ID: 2476cc Dec. 7, 2018, 4:07 p.m. No.4204703   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Bears here, bears there’: Putin says he almost got SURROUNDED in Russian wilderness


President Vladimir Putin has shared a story of getting surrounded by bears in sheer Siberian wilderness as he praised the work of Russian geographers, naturalists and explorers dealing with just that as part of their job.


“I went to these places, and saw: bears here, bears there. When they started moving towards us, we thought we better get moving. But these guys live there, right next to them, for seven months,” Putin said at the Russian Geographical Society annual awards ceremony on Friday.


He described the work of geographers as fascinating, saying it requires not only dedication but also courage.


“It allows us to understand who we are and where we are going. It allows us to be stronger inside. That is very important, and is one of the elements of our national identity,” Putin said.


The Russian president is no stranger to the wilderness, having made numerous trips to remote regions. Most recently, he spent his summer holiday on the banks of the Yenisey River in the Siberian republic of Tuva, home region of Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu.

Anonymous ID: 2476cc Dec. 7, 2018, 4:09 p.m. No.4204733   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Replacing members of the European Parliament will improve democracy – Hungarian PM


In an interview with public radio Kossuth, the Hungarian Prime Minister said that replacing members of the European Parliament will lead to more democracy.


Talking about the Parliament members Viktor Orban said:


“I can see the signs of end-of-term fatigue on them, but there will be new MEPs after the EP elections and I believe the quality of democracy will improve.


According to the Prime Minister ‘new blood’ is needed in the European Parliament, for which elections are planned in May 2019.


Concerning the attacks on Hungary’s democracy Viktor Orban added that “No democracy is perfect, including the one in Hungary, but democracy in Brussels is even further away from perfect”.

Anonymous ID: 2476cc Dec. 7, 2018, 4:12 p.m. No.4204768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4810 >>4816 >>4980 >>5031

Billionaires Demand Fast-Track Green Cards for 400,000 Visa Workers


Internet billionaire Marc Benioff is urging the GOP Congress and President Donald Trump to fast-track 400,000 foreign visa-workers — plus 400,000 family members — to green cards, the U.S. job market, and the ballot box.


“This is good for our economy,” Benioff said in a Tuesday tweet that was applauded by Silicon Valley lobbyists. “We need to grow our workers to grow our economy.”


Benioff’s comment is a tautology: Expanding the population by importing more than 800,000 people would obviously grow the nation’s economy, retail sales, government taxes, company profits, and Wall Street stock options.


But Benioff’s cheap-labor importation plan would also shrink the income and careers sought by millions of American college graduates, many of whom will vote in 2020 for or against Trump.


The planned giveaway is in a pending House bill, dubbed H.R. 392. It is also hidden in the House version of the 2019 funding package for the Department of Homeland Security. If Trump accepts that funding package, he will help companies import more cheap visa-workers from India and China an inflict more economic and career damage to the nation’s professional-status workforce of at least 55 million American college-graduates.


The nation’s workforce now includes roughly 1.5 million foreign college-graduate contract-workers who are imported via the H-1B, L-1, OPT, O-1, J-1, and other visa programs. These outsourcing workers are not immigrants, but instead, they are contract workers hired for one to six years, at lower wages, to take jobs that would otherwise go to American graduates.


This massive level of middle-class outsourcing has suppressed the wage growth needed by many American graduates to repay their college debts, get married, buy homes, and raise children. For example, the salaries for 21 million “professional and business services” employees rose by just roughly one percent after inflation from the second quarter of 2017 to the second quarter of 2018, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Their after-inflation pay was flat from 2o15 to 2016.


The Americans’ salary loss, however, would be a gain for the CEOs who see their profits rise and their stock options spike as middle-class salaries decline.


The site shows that Benioff’s company asked for 1,063 H-1B visa workers in 2018, up from 880 in 2017. The site also shows job titles and work locations.



Anonymous ID: 2476cc Dec. 7, 2018, 4:16 p.m. No.4204820   🗄️.is 🔗kun

OPEC agrees joint 1.2mn bpd output cut despite US pressure


Member states of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and 10 other oil producing nations have agreed to cut output by 1.2 million barrels a day despite opposition from US President Donald Trump's administration.


After two days of talks at the OPEC headquarters in Vienna, OPEC and non-OPEC countries, including Russia, reached the deal on Friday to slash their output from January 1, 2019 in a bid to raise crude prices. The US had sought a reduction in oil prices.


"We'll cut 1.2 million bpd total," Iraq's Oil Minister Thamer Abbas al-Ghadhban told reporters after the meeting.


He added that the 14 OPEC members would curb their output by 800,000 bpd while the 10 non-OPEC allies would contribute a 400,000 bpd reduction.


Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak also confirmed the combined output cuts and said the market would be oversupplied through the first half of the year.


However, the Friday's deal exempted Iran, along with Venezuela and Libya.


Speaking to reporters at the end of the session, Iran’s Petroleum Minister Bijan Zangeneh expressed his satisfaction with the decision.


He added that the negotiations were "difficult and complicated" but led to a result in favor of the OPEC member states and Iran.


"OPEC does not want to be pressured from outside the organization. I do not know when the US administration will take lessons from this trend," the Iranian petroleum minister said.


He noted that Russia has no impact on the OPEC but played a leading role in the agreement between members and non-members of the organization.

Anonymous ID: 2476cc Dec. 7, 2018, 4:24 p.m. No.4204911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4943 >>4980 >>5008 >>5031

Israeli Scammers Swindle 3000 French of $20 Million, Many Other Countries - No Wonder Macron Is Hated


Macron was created, elected, and is propped-up by Jewish finance and media.


"Investigations reveal a pattern of Israeli officials stone-walling efforts to stop the perpetrators of massive financial swindles in various countries, from Europe to the US to the Philippines… While some Israeli reporters work to expose the scams, a new one is already underway."


French and Israeli media report that a group largely made up of Israelis scammed 3,000 French citizens out of approximately $20 million. Most of the stolen money is in Israel, but Israeli authorities are reportedly failing to cooperate with France in prosecuting the scammers and retrieving the money.


This is the latest of numerous examples of Israeli officials stone-walling international efforts against the perpetrators of massive financial swindles around the world, according to Israeli investigative journalists and others. These scams have brought estimated billions into the Israeli economy, propping up a regime widely condemned for human rights abuses and ethnic cleansing against indigenous Palestinians. Together, the stories paint a picture of a government that seems to be turning a blind eye to – and even protecting – scammers.



Anonymous ID: 2476cc Dec. 7, 2018, 4:26 p.m. No.4204943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4981 >>5008



Deborah Abitbol, a French-Israeli lawyer who acts on behalf of French forex and binary options victims, says that Israeli police “could raid these companies tomorrow if they wanted to… They could easily locate them and confiscate their computers.”


Abitbol points out: “These are the savings of people’s entire lives that are lost, gone with a click of a mouse. When you don’t have money left, the damage is irreparable.”


While Israeli law enforcement has sometimes gone after scammers, most often it seems to have left them alone.


A 2015 Israeli position paper by the Israel Securities Authority stated: “Our position is that a platform that solicits customers solely outside of Israel, and does not allow access to customers in Israel is not subject to the law, even if it is fully or partially run from Israel.”


Numerous people in Israel and abroad called for Israel to crack down on the call centers, but for years little was done. TOI reported that a senior Israeli police superintendent said that Israeli crime kingpins were behind the binary options industry and that “organized crime in the country had been massively enriched and strengthened.”


The scam caused ruin to people throughout the world, some committing suicide after their losses



Anonymous ID: 2476cc Dec. 7, 2018, 4:28 p.m. No.4204981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4987 >>5031



The ringleaders, Avi Ayache and Yaron Bar, were eventually convicted, and the U.S. prosecutor announced that they would “spend a substantial portion of their lives in prison.” Ayache was sentenced in 2014 to 13 years in prison and Bar to 12. Yet, prison records indicate the two were released the next year. Other members of the ring also appear to have been released after extraordinarily little time.


If these men did serve only a tiny portion of their U.S. sentences, as public records and phone calls and emails to the Bureau of Prisons indicate, this may be due to the fact that Israelis are allowed to be imprisoned in Israel instead of in the U.S. Their sentences then are determined by Israel and, as we will see below, are often far shorter than they would be in the U.S.

Gery Shalon – hundreds of millions of dollars


In 2015 Gery Shalon and two other Israelis were charged with utilizing hacked data for 100 million people to spam them with “pump and dump” penny stocks, netting hundreds of millions of dollars.


The money was then laundered through an illegal bitcoin exchange allegedly owned by Shalon (more on bitcoin below). Shalon was considered the ringleader of what U.S. prosecutors called a “sprawling criminal enterprise.” He faced decades behind bars.


However, he was instead given a plea deal in which he escaped any prison sentence whatsoever. Worth $2 billion, Shalon was to pay a $403 million fine.



Anonymous ID: 2476cc Dec. 7, 2018, 4:29 p.m. No.4204987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5031



According to Tel Aviv University Economics professor Neil Gandal, “It’s possible for a small number of actors to manipulate things,” TOI reports. Gandel says that Bitcoin’s first major price spike was likely caused by a single person, and a recent University of Texas paper found that Bitcoin’s more recent price spike was also caused by price manipulation.


TOI reports: “Thousands of Israeli binary options operatives have been looking for new work, and the cryptocurrency field, with its lack of regulation, potential for easy money and libertarian ethos, is a magnet for such individuals.”


According to TOI, “Experts estimate that there are more than 100 fraudulent forex, CFDs, cryptocurrency, insurance, locksmith and Green Card lottery boiler rooms in the country.”


There have been massive demonstrations in Israel against corruption at high levels of government, and two police probes have targeted Prime Minister Netanyahu. A reformer warned of “a foul tsunami rising up in an ocean of corruption that threatens to drown the state of Israel. This is organized crime; crime families and Israeli mafia who are gaining control of local government and from there gradually taking over the central government and the nerve centers of Israeli society.”


In December, the Israeli legislature proposed regulation to ban companies trading in bitcoin from operating on the Tel Aviv stock exchange, suggesting that Israeli citizens will eventually be protected from the scam, as they were from binary options swindlers.


However, It is not known when or if Israel will take action against Israeli cryptocurrency scams that target people in other countries.


For now, events create an impression that the Israeli government is tolerating, and thus perhaps even tacitly encouraging, financial swindles that originate within its borders and devastate individual savings and lives around the world.


The fact that the U.S. government gives Israel over $10 million per day, and that this is about to go even higher, doesn’t seem to protect Americans from being targeted by Israeli financial rackets.


For how much longer?



