Anonymous ID: c0888c Dec. 7, 2018, 3:48 p.m. No.4204448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4458 >>4675 >>4916

Will you understand this way?


Who do you TRUST?


Technique #6

“2018 will be Glorious” – will it?

“The Biggest Gift The Devil Gave The World Was A Lie”

Ask yourselves why the goal post keeps moving?

Military precision or journalistic (media) sources?

“AS ABOVE SO BELOW” – is their god our GOD?

Cabal removal or Cabal Power struggle?

I can’t be more specific than this!

Who are the players? Who are the families? Who is in control vs who wants control?

Ex. 3:2

Why is JUSTICE giving the guilty slaps on the wrists? Who are the guilty? Now who are they passing guilt on to? Those who truly guilty are loyal to who?

Raising the BARR

Why is OUR government so compartmentalized – purposefully planned for what?

THINK Logically! Who do you follow (Y+)? Trusted source? Who do “THEY” follow?

This is a corralling of the SHEEP! – AS ABOVE SO BELOW – “They want you divided”

Reverse Psychology/Reactance Theory

Is a 300 year plan more likely to be full-proof overtime? Is there only one direction towards globalism?

Can plans change? When military operations are discovered, do they still continue with them or modify them?

What happens when the cabal is “removed”, when the FED is “removed” and the EU is “dismantled”, and world leaders convene to “end” corruption? #Yellowvests

UNITY prevails? WW UNITY?

TRUE EVIL is coming and if you can’t recognize what is really going on than WE you are all doomed.

Define: diversion

USA Patriots now vs FRENCH Patriots now? Differences?

Is MAGA happening? What did you do today to bring change in your country?j

No names funeral vs. 41’s funeral – which one did POTUS attend?

How many times has 41’s bloodline been mentioned?

When was JUSTICE promised for 9/11?

The Great Awakening or The Great Suppression?

How does one get foresight of the enemy’s plans in advance and yet not impede their efforts?

Why would a group reveal any of their plans of operations? Is it really to control the opposition? Who is the real opposition?

Sheep no more? Reality vs. Fantasy

What have Russia, China, India, Korea, and Iran agreed to do with the US dollar?

What’s the best way to provoke public outrage?

What will be the event that incites marshal law – HRC’s arrest or freedom?

Are world leaders working towards freedom of corruption or planning for WW jurisdiction? Who will be the TRUE world leader?

What did Prince Bernhard from the Netherlands create in the 50’s?

Is POTUS stopping those things that are hurting you and your country?

Major events have been taking place around the world – did you miss them? Why? What has you distracted? BOOM – Don’t look up, look down. Look down but then look up.

Don’t lose focus of AI, Big Data (Collection, companies), SpaceX (satellites), Blockchain.


A thousand points of light and they are all connected.