Anonymous ID: f22eb7 Dec. 7, 2018, 5:19 p.m. No.4205746   🗄️.is đź”—kun

SPY SECRETS Truth about CIA’s illegal MKUltra mind-control experiments – using drugs, hypnosis and electronic devices- revealed in sensational new documents officials hid for decades


DISTURBING details of secret mind-control experiments carried out by the CIA have been revealed in newly released documents - that officials have been trying to hide for decades.


The new documents, released under the Freedom of Information Act, reveal how the CIA experimented on both humans and animals using drugs, hypnosis and electronic devices as part of the top secret - and illegal - mind control project MKUltra.


Shockingly the swathes of information still missing or redacted in the records could mean the CIA is STILL carrying out the experiments to this day, according to experts.


One document details how the CIA planned to drug “criminals awaiting trial held in a prison hospital ward” in a bid to develop “improved techniques in drug interrogation”.


Another document details the CIA’s interest in developing ways to cause amnesia in humans using experiments “no matter how weird, inconclusive or unusual”.


It goes on to detail how they were looking to find ways of developing hypnotic speaking techniques which would control the minds of “large audiences” and “heighten group susceptibility”.


Experiments which were “too dangerous, too shocking, too unusual for routine testing would be of interest to us,” the memo from 1956 reads.

Anonymous ID: f22eb7 Dec. 7, 2018, 5:23 p.m. No.4205810   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Scott free? No?





GOP Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina defended his decision to oppose one of President Donald Trump’s judicial nominees in a letter to the editor of the Wall Street Journal Friday.


The letter followed a Journal editorial criticizing Scott for joining Democrats to stop the confirmation of Thomas Farr to a federal district court in North Carolina. Farr’s nomination was controversial because of his legal work on behalf of Republican Sen. Jesse Helms’ 1984 and 1990 re-election campaigns, which were sanctioned by the Department of Justice because for voter suppression tactics.


“There’s no reason to doubt the sincerity of Mr. Scott, the Senate’s only black Republican,” the editorial reads. “But Democrats will see Mr. Farr’s defeat as a vindication of their most underhanded and inflammatory racial tactics.”


“We must not seek to sow the seeds of discord, but rather embrace the power of unity,” Scott’s reply reads. “Simply put, if the Senate votes on a candidate that doesn’t move us in that direction, I will not support him or her.” The senator added that he was “saddened” by the editorial.