OK, Boys and Girls, this post is re: Q2077 & 2088. I checked a number of archived posts from 9/4 & 9/5 and couldn't find any hard research on this subject. I'm sure someone probably posted it later but I only have so much time and I need to get this posted, so…
I found the following article, which I believe is where Q was directing us with the two quotes referenced above.
It seems pretty clear to me why Q is pointing to this article.
The article points out that in the aftermath of the 1995 OKC bombing 40+% of people were “very worried or somewhat worried” that someone in their family would “become a victim of terrorism.”
The upshot is that 9/11 appeared to have fulfilled its intended purpose:
“Then 9/11 happened. The number spiked to 58 percent.
Much like with the Oklahoma City bombing, people calmed down in the following days, and the numbers began to drop. After a month, it was at 40 percent. It looked like fear would continue to dissipate until it got to pre-9/11 levels.
That's not what happened, though.
Instead, our fear levels stayed elevated
People's fear never got as low as it was before 9/11. In other words, we're just as afraid of being a victim of terrorism as we were one month after 9/11.”
Author wastes no time in getting to Trump=Hitler. Shortly thereafter, the writer's actual target/agenda becomes clear: social media-→>censorship justified because Trump Hitler, picking on innocent Muslims, gotta stop him before Manzanar gets reopened, etc….
Then it's off to Projection Land, where the obviously unjustified paranoia of the American public writ large is mere hysteria along the lines of the red scare. Then it's off to one of the cabal's fave hangouts: Salem, MA. Again, we get a built-in two-fer: bashing Christianity and chiding US children for believing in such nonsense as, you know, Satan. “The Usual Suspects”, anyone? [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DN_sRhaehw4 ] So witches don't exist, or if they do, we shouldn't “FEAR” them(who really does???), nor do Muslim terrorists. It's all in our heads. Sadly, that's largely true, but beside the point here:
“In short, ideas like a travel ban targeting Muslims have always resonated with some Americans in times of fear.
It's not just about the fear, though. It's about tying the fear into a story.
The Oklahoma City bombing elicited a spike in fear, but there was no greater narrative that developed and allowed us to frame it as part of something bigger. After 9/11, though, an implicit narrative developed out of the reaction.
While politicians, advertisers, and journalists didn't try to create this underlying fear of terrorism, Mueller says, 'They find out what people are afraid of and take advantage.' "
^ And the payoff lie. The author speaks in the article of the “dissonance” between the “fear” and the actual “threat”. Seems to me Mueller & Co. are experts at dissonance, not to mention dissembling.
But it looks to me like this was just tilling the soil for censorship.
Hot or cold, Q?