Basically when you can base in divinity - include quantum - Einstein - Tesla - and at least 3 of the basic forces get back to me.
sacrolidge - now FU
That is the question.
I had theory if you could modulate the 'color'/trinity field you could create a current along the atom.
Get all the atoms to blink the 'color in unison.
But that is not what you are asking.
Everything is fields - all fields are waves of energy.
The question is really more is breaking of symmetry on what makes it mass and real.
I am like WTF is this - just saved for later.
you all realize it comes to earth too?
3,994.736 mph wave through the eath on 11/6/18 at midnight.
look back I showed it on that night.
lmao where where you a day ago.
I am laughing my ass off on the EQ shills.
Bitches don't try and come at me from behind I have eyes in the back of my head.
so it right if going to do it.
Hannity just said hopefully against two felonies. - WTF?
What I am posting is man made shit - signals
Shit Happens
i believe there are a lot more people out there that can see in 4 and 5 and more D. People that can see a line and see a plane, people that can see a circle and see a sphere, people that can see a vector and see the timeline. I am that anon.
anyone within 4D has to deal with both.
I can't give you much new - that any ancient gave you - all I could I have shown - all I know.
See vs Seen LOL
that was a neat twist.
See is all
all probabilities up to god.
Seen is manifest and limited by filters -
or collapse due to breaking of symmetry.
Watching Fox these guests think Trump is Fucked and trying to protect him.
and again did you see this guys face before the question - fucked.