Anonymous ID: daca49 Dec. 7, 2018, 9:45 p.m. No.4209309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9430

>>4208339 lb

>It's intellectually lazy to blame all your problems on one race of people.

Lazy? Nigga plz.

No. It is the courageous hard work and genius of dedicated truth-seekers, poured into hundreds of thousands of research hours collectively, that have proven incontrovertibly it really is the Jews behind every destructive policy plaguing us. And this despite how preprogrammed against that conclusion we've been traumatized to be, and how ostracized that certain knowledge would make us if we dared shared it.

Yet here we are. Stronger for it.


Conversely, it's worse than intellectual laziness on your part the way you shill for your right to continuing parasitizing and brutalizing an innocent people. It's intentionally manipulative pilpul to pathologize our desire desire for truth, justice and survival, and to mock the weakened state you've tricked and starved us into. How many more insults you got, Schlomo? Lay 'em on us. They are badges of honor.










>can't dance

>can't jump












You don't believe a word of it anyway. You know we're really a juggernaut when we turn our full weight to a fight, which is why you work so hard to keep us drugged and confused. But it's too late. The jig is up. POTUS, Q, and the Yellow Vests are just the beginning. We're not going back into our pens.

The goyim know.


You Jews should be thinking about negotiating terms while we still have a sliver of good will left.

But you won't. You never do. You'll push until you're not even able to walk down the fucking street.

Oh well. Your loss, not ours.

We're done losing.

Anonymous ID: daca49 Dec. 7, 2018, 10:13 p.m. No.4209575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9598 >>9617


Well said. Yes, everything hinges on free will



>Is the Jewish god actually Satan or the Demiurge?

Yes, but the Jewish God isn't the Christian/Hebrew God of the bible.

>Jews = Edom: Satan's children

>Israel & Judah (Hebrews): God's Children

Israelites/Judahites/Hebrews =/= Edomites/Canaanites

You said you got to the "It's the Jews" step last year. There's actually a more difficult realization that comes after if you keep digging. Jews are usurpers, they assume identities. They assumed the identity of the Hebrews of the bible, but it is not their history or their God. Jews are descended from the neighboring Edomites/Canaanites, who infiltrated Israel 100 yrs b4 Christ and took over their government/judicial (sound familiar?)

Jesus lambasted them again and again as the "money changers" and pharisees (lawyers) and saducees (judges).

Jews are our ancient enemies, they are the Satan of the bible. Jews haven't forgotten we're in a competition. But we have, no thanks to them. And that's why we've been losing.



>I failed long before common core.

Not even close to failing. Keep going.