So black hat comms have been shut down. How do these traitor spyfags communicate with their Chinese overlords while trying to avoid white hat comm collection? National Propaganda Radio.
NPR awkwardly forced code word 'concrete' into their shitty Morning Edition propaganda show several times Thursday
While hate listening on the way to work I heard 'concrete' one time and didn't think anything of it. Then within 2 minutes that smug feckless cunt Rachel Martin dropped another 'concrete' and I'm like "twice?". I had to go back and listen to this shit again since I wasn't really paying attention. Turns out they're discussing the arrest of the Huawei executive with this clown William Zarit who heads the chamber of commerce in Beijing. Because now there's 2 concrete drops, I force myself to listen to the entire Morning Edition, all of the segments, and that's not easy because that shit is annoying. Eventually after a few segments there's a third 'concrete' drop. Fag David greene is doing a story on "muh climate change" because they're ALWAYS doinng a story about 'muh climate change'. The segment is completely lame but the subject is "MANAGED RETREAT" (intersting topic if you're thiking codes) from rising sea levels and the homeowners in Del Mar California need a 'concrete' wall to separate the homes from the sea. “Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy action”
Whether she's code talking to clowns in China or not, Rachel Martin shows signs of being mockingird media. There are some odd gaps in her career timeline. As a "freelancer" during graduate school at Columbia she just "packed her bags and went to Afghanistan" to cover the war for a few weeks, because non clowns just do that all the time. When asked how she arranged the trip Rachel says she just called up a woman who she only met once and the two "traveled the war zone together" and "at the hotel she 'met a man' who got her names numbers and stories. Rachel "got a driver, translator and formed her own team. Then went back to Afghanistan after graduating to cover the presidential election", as you do.
Now I wasn't totally convinced and was about to write off Rachel's career weirdness as coincidence. Then you follow the wives. Or look at her husband. Luke Hartig, heavily involved in the Obama administrtion's national security council, senior director counter terrorism. "peace corps" in guatemala "developing water and sanitation systems for rural villages". Coincidentally, he also just happened to work for the state department and the bureau of international narcotics and law enforcement affairs. Surely earned experience for that job in Guatemala. Travelled with the Secretary of Defense like Rachel did. Council on Foreign Relations of course. As well as ties to Soros via New America formerly New America Foundation