See the thing about lucifer and Satan is they are more Christianity based. But the elites hate Christianity. A big reason is they're religion predates Christianity. Before the flood type shit. Worshipping lucifer is essentially worshipping themselves. They make sacrifices to a bunch of different pagan gods and believe they themselves will become gods. Witches and magicians. In Gnosticism lucifer is the messenger of God. Light bearer. Gave them the gift of fire aka knowledge. But the unspoken god of the Jews is the Demiurge or Yaldabaoth. Creator of the physical material world aka Satan. Y heads is Yaldabaoth. Blood thirsty vengeful jealous god who declared himself the only god but obviously isn't.
Came from Sophia goddess of wisdom. It's why Saudi Arabia named the AI chick robot Sophia. And they make deals with different archons / demons to get power in this world etc blood sacrifices all that shit. Not saying I believe this shit but they definitely do. Gnostic Luciferins. Harry Potter type shit. In reality a bunch of methed up asshats. Yaldabaoth is always depicted as a serpent or dragon hence the vatican etc.