Anonymous ID: efd19d Dec. 7, 2018, 11:19 p.m. No.4210135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0139 >>0199



Cosmic rays are material objects (often protons or alpha particles e.g. helium nuclei) not electromagnetic radiation


And doesn't the duality of darkness/light mean that the electromagnetic radiation is (light) or is not (dark) present? How can this duality not exist in some EM bands (UV X-ray and Gamma-ray parts of the EM spectrum)? What does that even mean?


Not trying to pick apart spiritual concepts, just trying to understand what you're talking about

Anonymous ID: efd19d Dec. 7, 2018, 11:30 p.m. No.4210232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0281



I'll start by saying I'm pretty ignorant about Christianity. My parents were not religious. I was kind of curious about things and tried to make sense of what I heard others say. So for you Christians, my comments may be helpful for understanding what a friendly person who doesn't have a theological background hears.


OK. This post may be stating the core idea of Christianity, which i've NEVER heard anyone explain before. Seriously.


Lots of people have tried to convert me, or explain Christianity, with the phrase "Jesus died for your sins". I'd basically think WTF? It made NO sense. Someone died for my sins? What? Makes as much sense as "someone baked a muffin for my sins" or "someone died for the color orange" etc. Those words in that particular order sounded random and totally unrelated and didn't fit together into an idea. Sounds totally unhinged. (But it was always said with such deep conviction as if it explained everything.)


See, if you've never even HEARD of the idea of a letter of law that someone has to take a penalty AND that it's left open who it is, then the "Jesus died for your sins" is gibberish. But amazingly no one explaining Christianity has ever spoken that foundational idea.


Not to say anything at all about the idea itself, not judging it true/false or good/bad or whatever. But I figure it might be good for Christians here to know that a non-Christian totally missed that part, despite being curious and trying to listen to what the religion was about.

Anonymous ID: efd19d Dec. 7, 2018, 11:45 p.m. No.4210327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0334 >>0397



Thank you!


This gives me an idea … the EM bands referenced are different than your original, but the core idea sounds perhaps related


Everything is at a temperature. And everything emits radiation at a wavelength related to that temperature. At Earthly temperatures this is in the infrared. Everything glows in the infrared. There are cameras designed to pick this up, as heat signatures. What is warmer glows one wavelength of IR, what is cooler glows another. But everything around us emits IR.


(Note this is not like IR cameras that shine an IR lamp, this is longer wavelength IR that picks up the natural glow of heat)


So in a sense there is no darkness in this long-wavelength IR because everything glows, everything creates its own light.


At the extreme there is the cosmic background radiation, which is the glow at the very low temperature (around 3 Kelvin, just above absolute zero, the temperature of motionlessness and lack of heat). This cosmic background radiation permeates the whole universe with a kind of soft light.

Anonymous ID: efd19d Dec. 7, 2018, 11:52 p.m. No.4210370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0378 >>0381 >>0395



I found the Bible can be extremely hard to parse and get clarity from, which I suspect is a matter of translation (intentional?), and unfortunately I don't speak the original languages.


Letting God speak directly, that … yes. Quite interesting. I feel I've only touched the edges and wouldn't say I understand, but I definitely recommend listening with an open mind. Reality may be far more complex than we would suspect from everyday life.