Anonymous ID: 819437 Dec. 8, 2018, 12:29 a.m. No.4210587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0603

>>4208618 (pb)



Found this while perusing Epstein's site:

>Perhaps the best place for your redoubt is in the far south. In the event of global warming Antarctic waters provide an enormous heat sink to keep you cool for a very long time. (Water has high specific heat capacity.) This is also a good location in the event of nuclear war, which will be confined to the Northern Hemisphere because that’s where the nukes are. The far south is shielded from fallout by two Hadley cells of air circulation. Transportation is a big expense. Commercial air travel may be shut down, land travel dangerous, and you may not have time to travel by ship. In this scenario you may need a very big private jet to carry maybe 30 colonists to your destination. Your colony would have to include locals to get the minimum total, about a hundred. This may be a good thing to ensure their friendship and cooperation. For a rehearsal trip from the US, a leased aircraft may exceed $100,000.


Also talks about breeding stock for survival colonies. This guy has an island. You watched the end of AC right?