i’m not mentally ill
you are!
i’m not mentally ill
you are!
2012 is exactly why i have such a low opinion of the mentally ill
dealing with a best friend who was on klonopin and adderall
and a boyfriend with ocd who wouldn’t leave his apartment before checking the stove five fucking times to make sure it was turned off
two fucking deficient retards who made me feel like i was less than… like i was the fucking crazy one!
when i have never taken any of the crazy pills you two losers were prescribed. go fuck yourselves, honestly. putting my mentally sound mind through torment because of your own issues.
"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."
lol yeah fucking right
i’m the biggest shit talker ever and i have told so many friends/acquaintances/strangers how fucking deficient and crazy you losers are lmaooooo
you were awful in bed (that’s why i stopped having sex with you)
i tried to dump your dumb ass so many times but you wouldn’t let me
i hated everything about you. hated your taste in music. hated the fact that you were a vegan. hated the fact that you weren’t taking meds for your ocd. hated your ugly dick.
can’t stop, won’t stop!