Anonymous ID: 2f2116 Dec. 8, 2018, 8:23 a.m. No.4213572   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>4213447 (LB)

If you're against Trump putting up a wall between two countries and keeping it that way, then your opinion matters not to me. You've already outed yourself as a shillfag. I'm only humoring you, because I knew that (((you))) would try to blend in with Anons using your recently saved Pepes while pandering your bs. I was actually wondering why more shills don't utilize your tactic. Then again you're all pretty shit at your jobs.

Your shit stinks.


Anonymous ID: 2f2116 Dec. 8, 2018, 8:31 a.m. No.4213673   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Excellent reply, I agree with your assessment of their situation vs ours, just one thing.


That's a cianigga trying to incite violence and get Anons to "take to the streets". Thing is, anons know to just sit back, research and eat popcorn. They're rehashing old shill tactics, because let's admit it, they have nothing else to use.


>Imagine being an "elite" intelligence agency and getting ass blasted every day by no named Anons who are doing this for free.

Feels good to be an Anon.

Anonymous ID: 2f2116 Dec. 8, 2018, 8:59 a.m. No.4214011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4052


How do you figure the operators will take you out?

I wonder, do you really think that the Q team has no idea who you are? Do you feel safe? Or are you doing this because you have no other choice but to?

Sometimes I wonder about you shills too much.

With all the events that have unfolded, you would think by now that shills would realize that they're on the wrong side of this revolution of biblical porportions.

So, unless you're truly a satanic pawn to be sacrificed, or unless you've been threatened by evil, I really don't see why you continue to shill.

Judgment time is around the corner, I know you can feel it too, shill.

Anonymous ID: 2f2116 Dec. 8, 2018, 9:08 a.m. No.4214113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4132 >>4246


Wasn't a threat, I was trying to pick your brain.

I was curious at first, but you seem like a fucked up individual, so I suppose you'll probably end up actually killing yourself irl when this is all over.

Keep me updated.