Apologies if this has been discussed , but could it be that when Q talks of FISH and FISHING, the use of the word ‘fish’ is referencing the Payseurs?
Many believe that Payseurs got their start in America when Marie Antoinette’s very young son was smuggled out of France and eventually made it to America under the name of Daniel Pasyeur.
The son was the ‘CROWN PRINCE’ of France, which means he was next in line to be KING.
In France, those next in line to be king have the tittle of “LE DAUPHIN”. The word dauphin is French for dolphin. Both, a dolphinfish and fleur de lis are on the coat of armor of le dauphin.
And although we now know dolphins are considered mammals, at that time, a dolphin would have been considered a fish. The name in Greek is directly interpreted as meaning "a 'fish' with a womb". (wiki)
The fluer de lis funeral pic too from the Cathedral would also connect to this. Were they trolling a Payseur?
I suppose a dolphin could be considered both a fish and wild animal?