Anonymous ID: ff8ba1 Dec. 8, 2018, 8:29 a.m. No.4213649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3877 >>3999 >>4189 >>4245

>>4212459 pb notable


the scaramucci model


Imo the scaramucci model has nothing to do with q. Whitaker is "scaramucci", i.e. a temporary replacement that can make volatile moves, especially intentionally leaking things to the public to help wake them up before shit hits the fan.

Scaramucci did it by publicly exposing moles in the trump admin, before they actually left, and whitaker was in charge of ordering the controlled leaks regarding the clinton foundation. No one in the fake news press can blame him for the "leaks" as he is only a temporary replacement, just like scaramucci couldnt care less about the fake news jumping on him, as he served only about 1 week.

The truth of course is that the current leaks are intentional, since as q said, all investigations are over, and all evidences have been collected, now it is time to prepare the narative before D5.